
Welcome To My Guestbook

judsoon - 05/27/00 23:14:19
My Email:jsummers@grm.net

hi nhara finally got in to check things out some cool awards u must be pretty good at figuring things out chat with u on icq later judson , my real name

poetsmoon - 05/14/00 14:15:58
My Email:poetsmoon@hotmail.com
Location: South Dakota

WOW!!! Your site has become completely AWESOME!! Great Job! Send me an Email. Marc

D'Lizard Fairy - 04/11/00 02:23:31
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/dlizardfairy/
My Email:dlizardfairy@yahoo.com
Location: Darksbane :)


Witchy - 04/10/00 16:58:46
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/sarina
My Email:witchy@thesitefights.com
Location: Darksbane


LOL! I heard a whisper in the wind, and it said that Today was YOUR Birthday! So I came 'rushing over' to leave you a "song"...(LOL, you're so lucky you can't hear it! :)...and a few wishes, that this will be a Wonderful Day and a GREAT New Year for you :

~Circe~ - 04/07/00 06:01:44
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Athens/Sparta/6787
My Email:circe@inetone.net
Location: ~My Tragic Kingdom~


Hello there! Just thought that I would drop in for a quick visit! Your page is great! Keep up the great work!! ~smiles~ See ya on the SFDarksbane list! *hehe*
~My Tragic Kingdom~

Quill Kittendreams - 04/02/00 18:06:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/tubasrock/index.htm
My Email:kittendreams@hotmail.com


~*Party Sprinkles*~*Party Sprinkles*~

I heard there was a party,

So I came to join the fun.

I hope that I'm not tarty,

because I see your site's #1!!

Belle Quill - 04/02/00 05:57:27
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/inkwell
My Email:belle@dspiritmail.com


D'Blossom Scribe - 04/01/00 17:29:10
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/inkwell/


D'Blossom Scribe is here to say "I am here to spread party cheer your way."
A party is soon to come.
We will show our spirit and have fun!
We will not leave till the party is done.
We are here to party hardy.
None of us shall be at all tarty.
So lets sll give a big huge cheer for we're all are here with our party gear! :)
I am sad to say that I must go.
For more parties await me on the other side of the shining rainbow.
So have a good evening, have a good day as I do always say.
So lets all shout a big hiipp hiipp hoorrraayyy for all that are well this fine, lovely day

DragonKiss - 03/31/00 01:58:16
My URL:http://www.lizardheaven.com/
My Email:dragonkiss@thesitefights.com
Location: Darksbane/Nebraska


Karmyn - 03/31/00 00:15:50
My URL:http://trak.to/karmynzkavern
My Email:karmyn@home.com
Location: KarmynzKavern

I heard there was a party here! Just stop to spread a little spirit.

Hugs, Karmyn

I have to say this is one of the coolest sites I have visited in a long time. This is simular to what I was envisioning for my own but didn't have the knowledge of how to make it work. Credos...You are the best!!

Denise - 03/29/00 01:40:43
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/BourbonStreet/8842
My Email:ilikefruitand@hotmail.com
Location: california--usa

I wanted to send a personal farewell...I will miss the Draggies! And I will return every now and then to see the latest. Your site is *~awesome~* and I have much more to explore before my day is through!

Spirit Fairy Golden Duster - 03/28/00 03:29:30
My URL:http://www.goldenduster.com
My Email:goldenduster@dspiritmail.com
Location: Darksbane Dragon Fairies


A Spirit Fairy Golden Duster has Stopped by To dust your site and spread some cheer!
I thought I'd give your site a 'Spirit Check'

And encourage you to SHOUT IT OUTwith all your might
I've sprinkled your site with fairy dust
To show you that spirit is a must!
So shout and cheer and show that spirit.
Be loud and proud so all can hear it!
Hello! click on me to visit D'Realm of the Fairies

Azure - 03/18/00 13:03:33
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/azureblue_3000
Location: Liverpool, England


hi there i am really enjoying your site , searching for your voting URL but really enjoying your site :). when i do find it i will vote for you :). good spirit to you my frend!


Lady Moyra - 03/16/00 20:21:48
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/ladymoyra
My Email:ladymoyra@hotmail.com
Location: The Netherlands

Hi! Actually, I think it *was* you who invited me to The Site Fights! And a thousand times thank you! :o) You've got some site here...wow. It may take some time to load, but omce it's done...it's looking spectacular! Well done! *hugs* Moyra

Barn - 03/10/00 21:08:32
My Email:Vettewag54@aoo.com
Location: Va. U.S.A

Cool site man, I realy liked your index with "STAIR WAY TO HEAVEN" playing. Keep Up the good work!!!!

Brooke - 02/14/00 11:32:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va2/brooke/index.html
My Email:g_washignton46@yahoo.com
Location: Aussie first and always..but living the american life ..lol..

Hi, i thought i'd stop by and take a squizzy at your webpage, and i must say you hae done one heck of a job, i love the way you have done you main page very nice indeed, im glad you liked the spirit flower i sent you. take care and good luck.

Marc - 01/18/00 12:12:08
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Area51/Realm/8525/
My Email:poetsmoon@hotmail.com
Location: Vermillion, South Dakota

Very nice page for a kiwi. *S* You started from nothing, now look at the page YOU created. Great Job! My Page is being re-done.


Michelle - 01/18/00 04:59:08
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/garrick_nz
My Email:garrick@ihug.co.nz
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

You are an inspiration. You have done some really beautiful things here. I hope that (with your help) I can get something together that is at least half as good. Love ya babe


tony Buckley - 12/30/99 06:58:28
My Email:buckley.ltd@xtra.co.nz

Looks good sis I'm still looking around. Looks like a lot of work Cheers Tony


Junior AKA (WIZARD) - 12/23/99 00:25:23
My URL:http://geocties.com/laduce200 or http://geocities.com/wizzard_nz
My Email:juniors1@actrix.gen.nz
Location: Ummmm??? Auckland I tink!! LOL

WELL WELL WELL Stormymage! I must say your site is impressive! You have come a long way From being an unexperienced user to A Well Ummmmm (LOL) A very Fast And up to date User... Anyway! Mum and u know who have their own Internet connection. I have instal ed the messaging program me and u use so they are just awaiting the u know what! Anyway Honey I love the site! So pop in and visit mine! I have JPEG Images of me there Now WOW!! So I will see you when I see you STORMYMAGE!! Luv Junior! MERRY XMAS AND HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR! I WILL (LOL)


Mad Mark - 12/20/99 09:41:52
My Email:mremkes@ihug.co.nz
Location: Anywhere you want me

I like to say it's looking good at the moment. Well done on your first atempt at a home page. Must have another beer sojmtime !!


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