Well then now, what's all this about?

This site is devoted to those things that happen that we as of yet have no explanations for, but here too you'll find philosophy, and art, and music, and poetry.

I am a life time Experiencer of paranormal phenomena and super natural events and have appeared on numerous Talk shows Jackie Mason, Rolanda, CNN News Talk Live, Richard Bey, along with various other cable network programs.

In 1993 I scored the off Broadway show Sky Watchers a multimedia event dealing with the spiritual ascent of man.

I am a co producer of Space Bridge a program on UFOs and Abductees and for a time was a listed Co producer of UFOs A to Z.

I am a Co founder of THE MOONSTRUCK GROUP an Abductee and UFO discussion group that meets once a month at the Moonstruck Diner in New York hence our name.

In 1997 I was called to the UN to lecture on the many sightings of UFO I have had, and to show my video tapes to those present.

However my experiences and encounters cover far more phenomena than just UFOs but also cryptozoology, spiritualism, ghost, time slippage, dimensional rifts, and many other thus far unnamed spectrums of the supernatural thus the name of my site reflects the shattered reality I've come to know of as my life

" Pieces Of An Enigma. "

To show this my site is arranged in much the same way as my life it is full of surprises, curiosities, new ways of seeing old ways of being, with a heavy sprinkling of fun puns and trapdoors and metaphors.

I try not to offer any warnings or give away any endings for I want you to experience them as did I without any foreshadowing of what was to be or what was going on.

Thus you will find it best to let the pages download fully before you proceed to read so sometimes your patience will be of need.

My site is quite large and grows larger everyday as I am constantly working on it so do not try and see it all in one day but take your time or a quick walk through and bookmark the pages you wish to return to and please do come back often.

Typos and boo boos may be found, should you see them write them down, and if you have the will please feel free, your list of errors, to send me.

With thanks to you and much respect, I my mistakes will all correct.

If you have any problem with a page chances are I am working on it at that very moment so go to the next and return at a later time.

This all having been said please...

If the things I have mentioned are of interest to you then be not afraid to touch the question mark below and you will be transported back the realm of the unexplained.