Welcome to the
Battles of Trenton
Home Page
They're coming!  The 225th Anniversaries are coming!

On December 29 & 30, 2001, America's history takes to the streets of Trenton as the town once again hosts the Battles of Trenton Celebration. 

Join us as General George Washington and his men rout the British and Hessian soldiers occupying our quiet village of 100 buildings.  Walk alongside our brave soldiers and bear witness to the fighting that turned the tide of war.

Honor the men who fell in service to our fledgling nation and remember, too, the men who gave their lives on foreign soil.

See British General Cornwallis' men attempt to cross the Assunpink--only to be defeated on the 225th attempt as they were on the first.

End the day at the Old Barracks Museum's Grand Illumination.

18th century sites

Members of the Brigade of the American Revolution reenact the First Battle of Trenton, which took place on December 26, 1776.  Photo taken on Warren Street near the Battle Monument on the same route as the original battle. 
Photo by Richard Pace (copyrighted)

Please contact the Old Barracks Museum for information if you're a re-enactor or sutler interested in participating.

Crossing Front Street to the Battle Ground at Mill Hill Park.
Hosted by ~ The Old Barracks Association ~ Capital City Redevelopment Corporation  ~ Capital Health Systems ~ Wegmans ~ Trenton Downtown Association ~  The City of Trenton &  The Trent House ~ Trenton Convention & Visitors Center ~ Walk This Way, Guided Tours of Trenton ~ St. Michael's Episcopal Church ~ The Society of Friends ~ First Presbyterian Church