It's amazing (not really, when you consider the Author) how specific the Bible is
reguarding the "mark of the beast": Rev.13:16- And he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
-notice it says "in" not "on", this fits perfectly since the chip is injected in the hand or forehead.
(I've also heard from various sources about "test" programs being done with a chip being
injected in the right hands of people)
Rev.13:17,18 goes on to say -
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
Here is some more information I found:
"Right now, there is a computer chip the size of a grain of rice.
(1/4 inch long) This computer chip can carry all information on
any individual and is self charging. It is charged by the bodies heat,
and after planners spent 1.5 million of your tax dollars, they found
out that the best places to put this chip would be in the right hand
or if that is missing, in the forehead. This chip will be interjected
in the hand or forehead in the same way as a shot. There will be 18 digits,
your zip code, plus the extra four digits after the dash and your social security
number, burned on the chip. These 18 digits will be grouped in three groups of six
numbers. (000000 000000 0000000) Dr. Sanders, one of the engineers of this chip
(#BT952000--called Emergency Intrusive Identification Locator)
commented, "I believe this to be the "Mark of the Beast". Dr. Sanders spends his
time traveling and warning people about the coming NWO and the Mark of the Beast."
If you have noticed, they have been gradually getting society used to the idea of
a cashless system, first checks, then credit cards, then debit cards, then smart cards,
finally they'll go public with the "implantable transponder" (or similiar device), and if it
wasn't for the evil intent behind it, it would seem to the human mind to be a good system,
as they'll probally say that with implantable chips you'll no longer have to worry about
your cards being lost, stolen, or forgotten, and that without any cash to be robbed of
you'll be a much less desirable target of crime, and since all financial transactions
will have a computer record, all other types of crime will be more difficult also, but
because of the evil behind the "mark" as shown in the Bible's clear warning, it is to
be absolutely avoided if you truely value your soul.
They may also use the excuse of a (planned) "world financial crisis" that in order to
save the world economy we have to go to a cashless system, however they try to
convince people, they'll make it seem like it's for the good of humanity.
Also, you may have noticed how the number of the beast (666) is being seen more
and more, sometimes openly, and sometimes disguised in different ways, it is just
another indication of how close we are to the fulfillment of the book of Revelation.
Do NOT let anyone, for any reason, inject a chip in your
right hand or forehead, because here is what the Bible says in Rev. 14:9-11
Sometimes you'll hear some people put off salvation and say they'll just refuse the "mark"
when it comes, but because they didn't love God's truth enough to obey it when they had a
chance, they probally won't have the desire to refuse the mark when it comes,
and will be deceived into receiving it. .....Read: II Thess. 2:10-12
My friend, God loves YOU, and He wants you to receive the salvation
He has made
possible, to learn how to receive the salvation He has already paid for,
Please don't take any chances with your eternal destination,
click on the above link and MAKE SURE you have true salvation,
there is more to it than just believing in God, once you truely
experience real salvation you will have no doubt it is really the truth !