A number of people like to mention U.S. military code-names such as "Aurora" to their friends. In order to give people snappy code-names to mention at cocktail parties and Groom Lake camp-outs, I will provide the following list of recent classified U.S. military programs, along with their Program Element identification numbers, and a description, if I know what the program is: (there are numerous other classified programs hidden behind phrases such as "Special Evaluation Program", but they just don't have the same appeal to the ears as a snappy code-name... Following military custom, I will use all uppercase letters for the code-names) U.S. Air Force ______________ PE number Code-name and description _________ _________________________ 0207137F CONSTANT HELP (listed as a tactical "other support" program) 0207424F COPPER COAST (may be related to hypersonic aircraft studies the Air Force conducted under the COPPER CANYON program a few years back. COPPER COAST now appears in the tactical budget documents as "evaluation and analysis program") 0207587F PACER COIN (Air Force C-130 transport aircraft carrying surveillance equipment. Also known as "specialized reconnaissance systems") 0207591F OMEGA (tactical program. OMEGA is now listed as "advanced program evaluation" in budget documents) 0208040F Project ELEGANT LADY (tactical program -- does not appear in the Air Force budget, because it is funded directly by the Office of the Secretary of Defense) 0208042F HAVE FLAG (tactical missile, now going into regular production) 0301317F SENIOR YEAR operations (current U-2 flights) 0301324F FOREST GREEN (Air Force intelligence collection operation, possibly SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) for the National Security Agency) 0305142F CENTENNIAL (Air Force intelligence program, possibly a new surveillance satellite. CENTENNIAL now appears in budget documents as "applied technology and integration") 0401316F SENIOR CITIZEN (advanced transport aircraft -- tactical airlift) 0603105F OLYMPIC (strategic program) 0603111F MERIDIAN (strategic program) U.S. Army _________ PE number Code-name and description _________ _________________________ 0203806A TRACTOR RIG (appears to be an advanced tactical missile technology) 0203806A TRACTOR CARD (appears to be an advanced tactical missile technology) 0602104A,0603020A TRACTOR ROSE 0602122A TRACTOR HIP 0602788A TRACTOR FLOP (strategic program) 0603009A TRACTOR HIKE (strategic program) 0603012A TRACTOR HOLE (strategic program) 0603013A TRACTOR DIRT (strategic program) 0603017A TRACTOR RED (strategic program) 0603018A TRACTOR TREAD (new tactical program) 0603019A TRACTOR DUMP (new tactical program) 0603322A TRACTOR CAGE (strategic program) 0604768A TRACTOR BAT (tactical program) U.S. Navy _________ PE number Code-name and description _________ _________________________ 0301326N PRAIRIE SCHOONER (Naval Intelligence collection operation, possibly SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) for the National Security Agency) 0603525N PILOT FISH (tactical program) 0603536N RETRACT JUNIPER (tactical program) 0603576N CHALK EAGLE (tactical program) 0603734N CHALK CORAL (tactical program) 0603746N RETRACT MAPLE (tactical program) 0603748N LINK PLUMERIA (tactical program) Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) ________________________________________ PE number Code-name and description _________ _________________________ 0605113D TAPESTRY 0605805D THIRST WATCHER Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) ________________________________________ PE number Code-name and description _________ _________________________ 0605114E BLACK LIGHT Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) _________________________________________ PE number Code-name and description _________ _________________________ 0603734K ISLAND SUN Notes: - all of the "leaks" above were extracted from unclassified military documents. - 060xyyyz class programs are RDT&E (Research, Development, Test & Evaluation) efforts. The fourth digit indicates the stage of completion of the program. 0601yyyz = Research 0602yyyz = Exploratory development 0603yyyz = Advanced development / demonstration / validation of concept 0604yyyz = Engineering development 0605yyyz = Management and support Paul McGinnis / TRADER@cup.portal.com ********************************************************************** Anonymous FTP access to files dealing with excessive military secrecy is available from Internet host ftp.shell.portal.com (IP address in the /pub/trader directory. Read the 00readme files for descriptions of the files. Writings from Glenn Campbell, author of the "Area 51 Viewer's Guide" are available in /pub/trader/secrecy/psychospy. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Patriot FTP site by S.P.I.R.A.L., the Society for the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail alex@spiral.org)