By Karin Pekarcik

How much of our weather is natural? Hard to say now that technology has taken over as the caretaker and manipulator of Mother Nature.

We enthusiastically applaud the progress of technology. Every day we hear about another scientific advancement that carries us further into an automated existence. Yet in all this excitement to progress in the scientific circles, there are those using this technology for their own purposes and manipulating what Nature intended to be handled by Nature itself. In their zeal to master the environment they have gotten a little carried away.

What is the motive behind those manipulating weather conditions and earthquakes? Why are they taking these conditions into their own hands and creating serious ramifications for the global environment, not just isolated areas? Why manipulate the beauty that God has so graciously bestowed upon all of us who are walking upon the Earth?

These are questions to consider as we proceed with our outright artificial manipulation agendas as well as those covert agendas operating behind the scenes.

There is a highly sophisticated program being hailed as a amazing tool for harnessing nature. This program is called HAARP — which stands for High Frequency Active Aural Research Program. It is operated by the Navy and Air Force. The main facility is located in Gakona, Alaska, with over 36 other installations around the world. The Navy operates an extensive HAARP facility on Long Island. One of the prime stated objectives of HAARP is global weather manipulation and control, along with numerous other agendas including mind control projects.

One more act of infringement upon our freedom is the continuing projects of this massive HAARP program. Their technology has been used to create artificial weather disturbances at specific targeted populations for various controlling measures. Then FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is sent in to help with emergency relief and take over control of the local area.

The "Tesla Effect" is behind the operations of HAARP. Electromagnetic signals of certain frequencies are transmitted through the Earth to form standing waves in the Earth. By interferometer techniques, giant standing waves can be combined to produce a focused beam of great energy. Earthquakes can be induced at these distant aiming points.

Earthquakes are significantly up. Is this a coincidence? The end of times? Or scientific manipulation of earth changes? Earthquakes are a good source of population control by the loss of life and property and the resulting social upheaval. We don’t question their occurrence because we don’t know that earthquakes can be produced by artificial outside influence. This is the ultimate environmental manipulation.

Evidence of HAARP interference and manipulation of weather can be observed around the world. Weather abnormalities have become the norm over the last two decades.

It is reported that electromagnetic/radio frequencies have preceded unusually severe weather including earthquakes. Coincidence or what?

We have been experiencing unusual electromagnetic disturbances in conjunction with bizarre earthquake activity at China Lake Naval Air Center in Southern California. About 100 quakes a day were reported for weeks. Radar in the area showed major weather disturbances while skies are calm and clear. This unusual weather also occurred in the Carolinas where there was a sizeable and rare earthquake. The radar picked up unusual weather although the skies were clear and calm.

Unnatural concentric circular energy patterns and perfectly straight lines show up on radar where unexpectedly severe weather conditions as well as earthquakes have occurred.

The earthquake in July ’76 that killed 650,000 people in Tangshan, China is thought to have been a manipulated occurrence. Unusual lights preceded the event and trees and vegetables were scorched during the earthquake. This is undoubtedly an unusual occurrence for earthquakes.

There were sharp spikes in power output from the USN/USAF "ionospheric heater" recorded before the Dec ’98 "horizontal snowstorm" around Turret Peak, AZ.

Deadly tornadoes in southeastern U.S. have been unprecedented in our history. In many cases there has been no prior indication of the atmospheric turbulence needed to provide a source for these tornadoes.

What doesn’t seem to disturb the manipulators of this new technology is the serious long term global environmental effects of HAARP.

It has been reported that bizarre weather patterns have been engineered and controlled by both Russian and American governments. Tesla transmitters create massive standing ELF (extremely low frequency) waves that form major high pressure blocking systems that change the normal high altitude jet stream pattern, forcing it North and thereby retarding the normal flow of incoming weather systems. For instance, this causes the Southern California weather to be free of most of the storms because the weather systems stay to the North. This weather manipulation may have been a major factor in the droughts that most of California experienced during the ‘80’s.

Can all this drastic weather be blamed on El Nino? Or is it the weather modification programs of HAARP instigating, empowering, and amplifying El Nino’s impact upon the country? It is believed that El Nino was a combined result of weather manipulation of the upper level atmospheric conditions. El Nino was the scapegoat while HAARP was conducting it’s experiments upon Mother Nature and it’s inhabitants. Another instance of manipulating of the population behind the scenes.

In 1976 the United Nations approved the "Convention of the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Technology." Why would they put this law into effect if this technology was an impossibility? Thus, there must be truth behind this law.

In ’78 Dr. Andrew Michrowski of PACE (Planetary Association for Clean Energy) published a paper describing how he had monitoring stations across Canada and determined that the Soviets were establishing stable and localized ELF fields over North America and Canada thereby diverting the jet stream flow in North America. They have a reported 30 huge transmitters emitting ELF signals.

HAARP’s space generated ELF (extremely low frequency) waves coming back down to Earth can be used in various ways, such as creating harmful biological and mental effects on a specific target population.

It is acknowledged that the military has developed high-powered microwave weapons that pulse ELF frequencies for use against citizens (using HAARP transmitters located around the country).

There are many covert operations going on within the HAARP facilities around the world. Several areas of continuing experimentation are:

An instance of this mind manipulation upon a specific segment of the population showed up when radar picked up unusual electromagnetic disturbances in the area and the time of the Jonesboro massacre.

Next time there is an earthquake or an unusually severe weather condition (or even a violent action of a specific group), check the story fully, it just might be the further manipulation of our natural resources and/or our minds in an effort to gain additional control over a certain segment of the population.

Karin Pekarcik is a free-lance writer living in Anaheim, California. Her e-mail address is: