The New World Order

 Music playing on this page "A Spoonful of Sugar "
If we are fed enough 'sugar coated' ideas will we swallow the New World Order?

Want to see those UN Peace Keepers at work?.....Insider Report
A New World Order is a 'hot' topic in many circles these days.  Some people think it is a good idea; I, along with many others, do not.  I can remember distinctly the first time I heard the term used on national TV by ex-president George Bush, I felt as if someone had dropped a bomb on me for a few seconds and my next thought was "Its really happening."

I must confess that my Christian beliefs had a lot to do with my initial reaction to the term, but I've since also looked at it from other aspects and even leaving my Christian ideals out of my viewpoint on the subject I STILL can't conceive of it being a good idea.

I consider myself a Christian and a Patriot.  Now I'm not a patriot in the sense that is presently being portrayed on some TV shows; I don't have a stash of ammo and guns somewhere; I don't even own a gun, but I support the 2nd Amendment right to own a firearm for anyone that wants one, providing they have the good sense of knowing when, how and where to use it properly.  I am a patriot in the sense that I believe the grounds this country was founded upon were good,
honorable and should still be upheld today.
As time went on you heard "New World Order" more and more often, used by more and more people.  When you hear the term used by politicians they always make it sound like a good idea, very plausible, good for everyone and something that will solve all the problems in the world.  But wait a minute here, how can you possibly think that a "New World Order" would work when most of us can't get along with some of the neighbors on our own street, or even in our own home.  How can you take so many different countries and unite them into "One World Order"?  I don't believe you can, at least not without changing some things.

And you can't help but wonder what things would be changed.  Some things have already been changed, many of our rights, freedoms and liberties have already been infringed upon.  Hidden away, buried within bills, etc. that are being passed by our government officials are little known items that we should all make ourselves aware of.

The covenants and treaties agreed to with the UN help to take away rights we have always had but no longer will if things keep going the way they are.  Don't believe me?  Keep reading on this web site and others that I've linked to and try to keep an open mind.

It only makes sense that all countries (referred to as 'states' by the UN) would need to be pretty much about the same in their laws, statutes, etc.  We've already had all sorts of changes, many of which infringe on our liberties and freedoms.

More and more convenants are being drawn up by the United Nations, more and more things are
coming under government control.  To read articles concerning these changes or to check into
what things are happening under UN auspices please go to my "Bookshelf".

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