- While Americans focused on more scintillating news, President
Clinton quietly signed a new executive order titled "The Implementation
of Human Rights Treaties." The media ignored it and our leaders didn't
tell us. Yet we will pay the cost - in freedom as well as dollars - for
the creation of a massive government bureaucracy to promote, monitor, and
enforce compliance with human rights regulations mandated by the United
Nations. Remember, this governing body shows only contempt for biblical
values, American sovereignty, and the U.S. Constitution.
- Clinton's timing was perfect. An attack on Iraq had been
planned. And after December's impeachment proceedings, Congress would adjourn
for the holidays. Without its objection, the executive order would take
effect within 30 days (not a hard and fast rule 1), and become a federal
law. Once implemented, no one would be free to do or say anything contrary
to the new global ideology.
- Hard to believe? Before studying the executive order
itself, take a look at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It illustrates
the deceptive meanings behind the noble words used to persuade the American
people to accept unthinkable regulations. Even so, on December 10, 1998,
President Clinton used its 50th anniversary to celebrate its ideals, to
honor its late sponsor Eleanor Roosevelt, to announce his Human Rights
Initiatives, and to sign this executive order.
- At the first glance, the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights sounds good, as do all the intrusive UN human rights treaties. Article
18 upholds "the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion..."
Article 19 affirms "the right to freedom of opinion and expression...
and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media
and regardless of frontiers."
- But Article 29 states that "these rights and freedoms
may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of
the United Nations." In other words, these "rights" or "freedoms"
don't apply to those who would criticize the UN or its policies. Your rights
would be conditioned on your compliance. Only if your message supports
official ideology are you free to speak it. As Andrei Vishinsky wrote in
The Law of the Soviet State, "There can be no place for freedom of
speech, press, and so on for the foes of socialism. 2"
- The Convention on the Rights of the Child has not been
ratified by the Senate. Yet, it would be included among "other relevant
treaties" in this executive order which begins with these words:
- "By the authority vested in me as President by the
Constitution and bearing in mind the obligations of the United States pursuant
to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other relevant
treaties concerned with the protection and promotion of human rights to
which the United States is now or may become a party in the future, it
is hereby ordered."
- Like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention
on the Rights of the Child uses manipulative and misleading language. According
to Article 13, "The child shall have the right to freedom of expression;
this right shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart information
and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers..." In other words,
parents have no authority to keep a child from reading a sexually explicit
magazine or visiting pagan chatrooms on Internet.
- While parents lose their right to set safe boundaries
for their children, the State assumes full power to "protect"
the child and define the rules. Thus Article 13 concludes with: "This
right may be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such
as are provided by law and are necessary for respect of the rights or reputations
of others; or for protection of national security or public order."
- Likewise, if parents restrict their child's "right
to freedom of association" or their child's ambiguous rights to "privacy"
or "conscience and religion" (Articles 14 -16), they would break
this law and face the potential loss of their child to the state's "protection"
- In the context of UN ideology, "national security
or public order" refers to the concept of solidarity, a utopian community
oneness based on shared values defined by globalist leaders. In their minds,
anything less than social solidarity in every community could stir conflict
or incite violence. In this context,dissenters become foes; facts or beliefs
that clash with its vision of unity become threats; and the uncompromising
truths of biblical Christianity become intolerable, even dangerous to public
- These "human rights" restrictions are already
filtering into American culture. For example, any Christian website that
promotes biblical standards for right and wrong could be targeted for censorship
by Cyber Patrol, the world's most powerful Internet thought police. Owned
by The Learning Company, America's "premier developer of educational
software," it has formed some powerful "partners" around
the world. These include AOL, AT&T, Bell Atlantic, CompuServe, IBM,
Microsoft, Netscape, Scholastic Network, and others. Its website3 shows
the categories in its CyberNOT Block List, a list of offenses that determines
which websites should be screened to protect schools and families that
buy their service. These dangers include Violence/Profanity, Nudity, Sexual
Acts, Intolerance, Satanic/Cult, Drugs, and Militant/Extremist.
- Notice "Intolerance" amidst the more obvious
threats. CyberPatrol warns us that "any picture or text that elevates
one group over another" would be considered intolerant. Their filters
now "protect" children and schools across the country from visiting
American Family Association and other Christian websites simply because
they present God-given warnings and view Christian truth and lifestyles
as superior to pagan alternatives.
- An international "Declaration on Tolerance,"
prepared by UNESCO and signed by its member nations, defines the new global
standard for right and wrong. All nations would be responsible for fulfilling
this international contract by teaching the "right" kind of tolerance
and training their people to "respect" every kind of ritual and
lifestyle - no matter how contrary to God's Word. Though the U.S. didn't
sign this anti-Christian Declaration 4, our leaders are fueling the transformation.
Consider how its decrees would undermine our Bill of Rights:
- "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation
of the rich diversity of our world's cultures It is not only a moral duty,
it is also a political and legal requirement." "Tolerance involves
the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism." [Biblical truth?] "Tolerance...
means that one's views are not to be imposed on others." [Would this
end freedom to share the gospel with others? Could the UN still share its
views?] "Intolerance... is a global threat." "Scientific
studies and networking should be undertaken to coordinate the international
community's response to this global challenge, including analysis of root
causes and effective countermeasures, as well as research and monitoring...
" "Tolerance promotion and the shaping of attitudes of openness,
mutual listening and solidarity should take place in schools and universities,
and through non-formal education... at home and in the workplace."
"Promote rational tolerance teaching methods that will address the
cultural, social, economic, political and religious sources of intolerance--
major roots of violence and exclusion. 5"
- As you read on, you will see how the suggestions in the
last three points are worked into President Clinton's Initiatives and Executive
Order. But don't forget, the first four points provide the rationale for
the last three points.
- Clinton's Human Rights Initiatives
- A White House Press Release, posted with the executive
order at the White House website, explained that "on the historic
anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, President Clinton
announced several policy initiatives to advance human rights at home and
abroad." These initiatives include the following:
- 1. "Signing of a Human Rights Executive Order, that
strengthens our efforts to implement human rights treaties, and creates
an Administration working group to coordinate these efforts." Its
main points are listed below.
- 2. "Establishment of a Genocide Early Warning Center,
jointly run by the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency,
to train intelligence resources on situations that could potentially lead
to genocide."
- The response of the liberal media and politicians to
the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building gives us a clue to the rising
hostility toward those who refuse to embrace the new global visions. Remember
how Christian and conservative radio hosts were accused of "creating
a climate of hate" that could incite violence. In this cultural atmosphere,
such an Early Warning Center, using intrusive CIA surveillance technology
to monitor those who dissent, could well lead to repression of contrary
- In fact, that might be its main purpose. Remember UNESCO's
Declaration on Tolerance which equates intolerance with biblical absolutes.
Since "intolerance is a global threat," today's crisis calls
for analysis "of root causes effective countermeasures" and "monitoring..."
- When the US delegation signed the Action Plan prepared
at the 1995 UN Conference for Women in Beijing, we agreed to "develop
gender-sensitive databases, information and monitoring systems." These
information systems would monitor every school, workplace, and home for
compliance with "women's rights" to cast aside traditional gender
roles in the home and assume 50-50 representation in business, entertainment,
and political leadership. This massive global information management system
would be controlled by the UN Social and Economic Council 6.
- The technology needed for worldwide surveillance has
been created. Existing databases are being linked and the information management
system completed 7. The planned "unique personal identifier"
is becoming reality, and the process of intrusive surveillance is under
way. We are ready for the next step:
- 3. "Enhancing our response to human rights emergencies.
The U.S. Agency for International Development will provide up to $8 million
over the next five years to non-governmental organizations to enhance their
rapid response capacities. Organizations can use these funds for a variety
of purposes,including the creation of assessment teams, monitoring units
or other means of addressing situations where human rights may be imminently
- Whenever you see the open-ended word "other",
beware. It could be interpreted to mean anything the authors might later
include 8.
- 4. "Preventing youth hate crime through publication
in January of a guide for schools entitled 'Protecting Students from Harassment
and Hate Crimes,'developed jointly by the Department of Education and the
National Association of Attorneys General. The guide provides suggestions
to school systems for addressing the issue of school violence."
- Remember, words such as violence and hate have been redefined
to reflect a global perspective. They now include various forms of conflict,
biblical "intolerance", and failure to comply with the new global
standards for mental health, i.e. the attitudes, values, beliefs, behavior,
and collective mindset required for community solidarity. (See "Zero
Tolerance for Non-Compliance" and "Clinton's War on Hate Bans
Christian values" at our website <http://www.crossroad.to)
- 6. "encourage greater reporting to and cooperation
with U.S. authorities in targeting abusers of human rights."
- Assessing, monitoring, re-educating, and tracking every
person around the world is key to the UN vision of global governance 9.
And, as President Clinton stressed at his 1997 White House Conference on
Hate Crimes, "reporting" intolerant words and attitudes is the
duty of every person in the community. The following executive order adds
legal authority to this unconstitutional plan.
- The Executive Order
- The President summarized the scope of the executive order
in its opening paragraph:
- "By the authority vested in me as President by the
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and bearing
in mind the obligations of the United States pursuant to the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the Convention Against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT),
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
(CERD), and other relevant treaties concerned with the protection and promotion
of human rights to which the United States is now or may become a party
in the future, it is hereby ordered."
- Notice that it includes "other relevant treaties
concerned with the protection and promotion of human rights..." In
other words, it would apparently include such unratified treaties as The
Convention on the Rights of the Child and other treaties "to which"
we may "become party in the future." As you read its precepts
below, consider whether this executive order protects human "rights"
or oppressive "responsibilities."
- Section 1(a) commits the U.S. "fully to respect
and implement its obligations under the international human rights treaties
to which it is a party, including the ICCPR, the CAT, and the CERD."
- Don't assume that this EO only applies to ratified treaties.
This section doesn't rule out all the other present and future unratified
treaties included in the opening paragraph and in Sec. 4(vi).
- While the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women has not been ratified, its values has been
established as a cultural norm through the liberal media, education, and
a variety of laws, rules and regulations. To speed the process, President
Clinton established an agency to manage and oversee the implementation
of the Beijing Plan for Action signed after the 1995 UN Conference for
Women. It includes all the key provisions of the above Convention, such
as 50-50 representation in influential positions.
- "(b) It shall also be the policy and practice of
the Government of the United States to promote respect for international
human rights, both in our relationships with all other countries and by
working with and strengthening the various international mechanisms for
the promotion of human rights, including, inter alia, those of the United
Nations, the International Labor Organization, and the Organization of
American States."
- Don't forget that ILO, the International Labor Organization,
shows little concern for the rights of those who oppose its liberal, political,
and global agenda.
- Sec. 2 titled, "Responsibility of Executive Departments
and Agencies" brings all these agencies together in a coordinated
effort to follow UN guidelines for human rights and global solidarity.
- Sec. 4 establishes "an Interagency Working Group
on Human Rights Treaties for the purpose of providing guidance, oversight,
and coordination with respect to questions concerning the adherence to
and implementation of human rights obligations and related matters."
It would be chaired by the "designee of the Assistant to the President
for National Security Affairs."
- The functions of this Interagency Working Group would
- "(i) coordinating the interagency review of any
significant issues concerning the implementation of this order..."
- "(iii) coordinating the responses of the United
States Government to complaints against it concerning alleged human rights
violations submitted to the United Nations, the Organization of American
States, and other international organizations;"
- "(iv) developing effective mechanisms to ensure
that legislation proposed by the Administration is reviewed for conformity
with international human rights obligations and that these obligations
are taken into account in reviewing legislation under consideration by
the Congress as well;"
- Apparently, the United Nations and its Human Rights treaties
would replace the U.S. Constitution as our main standard and filter for
legal action.
- "(v) developing recommended proposals and mechanisms
for improving the monitoring of the actions by the various States, Commonwealths,
and territories of the United States... for their conformity with relevant
treaties, the provision of relevant information for reports and other monitoring
purposes,and the promotion of effective remedial mechanisms;"
- Remember UNESCO's Declaration on Tolerance. It, too,
called for "analysis of root causes [of intolerance] and effective
countermeasures, as well as research and monitoring...."
- Just as the provisions of the unratified Biodiversity
treaty are being implemented through the EPA regulations, executive orders,
and environmental guidelines so unratified human rights agreements are
being implemented through executive orders, reinterpretation of old laws,
and a variety of local, state and national regulations that bypass Congress.
However, the heart of the transformation is UNESCO's plan for Lifelong
Learning, a psycho-social process of re-learning: replacing traditional
beliefs, values, attitudes, and individual thinking with the new global
ideology and collective thinking.
- This program demands everyone's participation in the
Hegelian dialectic (or consensus) process. Everyone must be willing to
compromise in order to find "common ground". People from every
cultural background must agree to dialogue to consensus over divisive social
issues under the leadership of a facilitator trained in psycho-social manipulation.
- "(vi) developing plans for public outreach and education
concerning the provisions of the ICCPR, CAT, CERD, and other relevant treaties
and human rights-related provisions of domestic law;"
- The last sentence would include Clinton's hate-crimes
initiatives and legislation as well as other prohibitions against any information
that would be offensive to our politically correct thought police. That
Christian websites are being tagged by the Cyber Patrol because they violate
its guidelines on "tolerance" shows how "private" organizations,
in partnership with our government, are implementing the international
political agenda.
- Remember the last two points in UNESCO's Declaration
on Tolerance. They call for "rational tolerance teaching methods that
will address the cultural,social, economic, political and religious sources
of intolerance-major roots of violence and exclusion." No person would
be free from the duty to conform to UN standards through its manipulative
program for "shaping... attitudes of openness, mutual listening and
solidarityin schools and universities, and through non-formal education...
at home and in the workplace."
- These two points summarize the UNESCO plan for re-learning"
or "remediation" for adults as well as children. Tied to the
national-international plan for School-to-Work signed into law by Clinton
in 1998, this section probably means that no one would receive a work certificate
without conforming to the new ideology and group thinking 10.
- "(vii) coordinating and directing an annual review
of United States reservations, declarations, and understandings to human
rights treaties, and matters as to which there have been non-trivial complaints
or allegations of inconsistency with or breach of international human rights
- A typical inconsistency would be churches that refuse
to hire pagans or homosexuals. Such "separatism" could be challenged
both on the bases of discrimination and refusal to enter into dialogue
and seek "common ground." The UN vision of solidarity rules out
such "separatism." Al Gore summarized this sentiment well at
a 1991 Communitarian conference in Washington: "Seeing ourselves as
separate is the central problem in our political thinking."
- Clinton's Hate-Crimes Conference called for "some
sort of club or organization at the school -- because if you think about
it, your parents are still pretty well separated.... Most houses of worship
are still fairly segregated. We have to find a disciplined, organized way
out of this so that we reach every child in an affirmative way before something
bad happens..."
- But that isn't enough. Every person-young and old - must
be held responsible for reporting violations. As in Nazi Germany, children
would have to report on parents, neighbors on neighbors, etc. Our president
outlined the plan at his 1997 Hate-Crimes Conference,
- "The Justice Department will make its own hate crimes
training curriculum available. A lot of hate crimes still go unreportedº.
If a crime is unreported, that gives people an excuse to ignore it."
- "the real answer to our success in this endeavor
is obviously that we all have to work together. And all of you can strike
new energy into this entire endeavor around the country."
- At the same conference, Attorney General Janet Reno added:
- " ...the first line of defense is to prevent it.
But then it is very important when you see hate to speak out against it
immediately and strike it down. How can we in the federal government improve
our coordination with local law enforcement, with the state authorities,
and with groups such as the churches or other advocacy groups in the community,
one, to get it reported, and two, to work with you so that the investigations
and the prosecutions aredesigned with one objective in mind to eliminate
- This executive order links Clinton's goals to the UN
vision of controlled solidarity. For the Interagency Working Group would
coordinate its efforts with "international human rights institutions,
including the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Special
Rapporteurs and complaints procedures established by the United Nations
Human Rights Commission."
- Sec. 6, "Judicial Review, Scope, and Administration"
gives an example of Clinton's ambiguous and misleading legal language:
"(c) The term 'treaty obligations' shall mean treaty obligations as
approved by the Senate pursuant to Article II, section 2, clause 2 of the
United States Constitution."
- This statement appears to be little more than a smoke
screen, for the actual executive order extends far beyond ratified treaties
or, rather, "our treaty obligations" (remember the first paragraph
and Sec. 4 vi). Our president intends to create the American part of the
United Nations' massive management system and monitoring process. He is
betraying our nation into the hands of a global government with a newly
established International Criminal Court with authority to prosecute its
opposition. And he is ready to provide the technology the UN needs in order
to track every person and community in the world. Once this monstrous system
is in place, it may not matter whether human rights treaties are ratified
or not. We will have yielded control of our lives and thoughts to an anti-Christian
world government. Let's hope Congress will awaken to this threat, blocks
this executive order, and refuse to fund any of its seditious programs.
- Meanwhile, the deception grows. In his speech commemorating
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, our president gave a glimpse
of the changing meaning of "rights" and "freedom":
- "In the future days, which we seek to make secure,
we look forward to a world founded four essential human freedoms.
- 1. "The first is freedom of speech and expression
-- everywhere in the world. 2. "The second is freedom of every person
to worship God in his own way -- everywhere in the world. 3. "The
third is freedom from want . . . . 4. "The fourth is freedom from
fear . . . anywhere in the world . . . . The world order which we seek
is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized
- The last two "freedoms", which apparently are
now considered human rights, would require a totalitarian world government.
The third "freedom" would require a global welfare system, and
the fourth would require absolute control of human behavior - no guns,
no free speech, etc., except in the hands of elitist rulers.
- 1. Apparently, some executive orders take effect immediately.
Others provide more time for Congressional action. There seems to be a
lack of agreement among Congressional aides on a clear standard or procedure.
- 2. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1968), Volume V, page 164.
- 3. http://www.cyberpatrol.com/at_cp.htm
- 4. Deuteronomy 18:9-13, Romans 1:18-32 and I Corinthians
- 5. The Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, adopted
and signed by the Member States of the UNESCO on 16 November, 1995.
- 6. The Beijing Platform for Action, #258, #314. See also
"A National Information System: Executive Order #13011, at our website:
- 7. See "No Place to Hide" at our website.
- 8. In this case, "or other means of addressing."
may refer to the UN plan outlined in a 1995 report titled Towards a Rapid
Reaction Capability for the United Nations. Published by the Canadian government
and written with the aid of an International Consultative Group, it calls
for a "highly trained" UN Volunteer Force armed with America's
latest surveillance and reconnaissance technology ready to carry out the
"riskier operations" which national governments might forbid.
Ponder some of its suggestions:
- "This study's central objective is to recommend
changes at all levels of the UN system which would give the UN an enhanced
capability to respond rapidly to crisis situations...(p. iv)
- "...the UN would need to create a database which
could capture information provided by national authorities." (page
- "To enhance rapid reaction, the UN and Member States
need to address... the management systems which should be put into place
to ensure that national training programs are responsive to the UN's requirements."
(page 54)
- "The fact that the theoretically best solution is
not at present politically feasible does not mean that the system must
simply muddle on indefinitely in its present condition. A great deal can
be achieved without constitutional change, by changes in such salient features
as geography, legal mandates and behavior." Sir Brian Urquhart and
Esrskine Childers (page 55)
- "...surveillance technologies and information management
systems could be integrated into an organization-wide system to enhance
contingency planning." (57)
- "Governments are sometimes reluctant to release
their forces for duty... Even when Governments are disposed to concur the
process of seeking authorization is often slow." (600
- "As professional volunteers develop into a cohesive
UN force, they can assume responsibility for some of the riskier operations
mandated by the Council but for which troop contributors have been hesitant
to contribute... Without the need to consult national authorities, the
UN could cut response time significantly... As the 1995 Commission on Global
Governance noted, "The very existence of an immediately available
and effective UN Volunteer Force could be a deterrent."(62)
- 9. See "No Place to Hide" at our website: http://www.crossroad.to
- 10. See "Worforce Development Means life-long Indoctrination."
- 11. Revelation 13
- 12. Philippians 4:19