A song
Author Unknown

I had a vision of a man
A man so full of sorrow
On Him He carried all our iniquities

He led away like a slaughtered lamb
He knew He was about to die
But He left behind His spirit to set us free


Thank God who clothed himself in Jesus Christ
He loved us all so much
That He gave His only begotten son

Thank God who said "Let light shine out of darkness"
Made His light shine in our hearts
To give us the knowledge of His glory

I had another vision
Of a man lost in his ways
No he didn't know which way he had to go
He knew he had to find the truth
There was a better way
He knew he was destroying his own life

But then he heard a voice saying,
"I can set you free
If only you'll believe
Just come to Me and you will see"


Just cast your cares on Him
He understands
He will never let you down, O No
His love for us is real
He is the one
He gave His life for us on Calvary

O Great I AM
The El Shaddai
The Prince of Peace
The Righteous Judge
Our Morning Star
He is the Lion of Judah

He is coming back one day
To take us all away
That we may live with Him
As long as we live by His word


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Copyright © 2001 by STAT

DISCLAIMER: This is not my song nor do I take any credit for being the author of the lyrics! This song is found on a tape which is played in a soup kitchen in NYC!