Deng Xiaoping
Source: Beijing Domestic Television Service, June 27, 1989; FBIS, June 27, pp.
["Text" of speech delivered by Deng Xiaoping while receiving cadres of the
martial law units in the capital at and above the army [corps?] level on June 9 --
read by announcer; from the "News" program.]
Comrades, you have been working very hard. First, I express my profound
condolences to the commanders and fighters of the People's Liberation Army
[PLA], commanders and fighters of the armed police force, and public security
officers and men who died a heroic death; my cordial sympathy to the several
thousand commanders and fighters of the PLA, commanders and fighters of the
armed police force, and public security officers and men who were injured in this
struggle; and cordial regards to all commanders and fighters of the PLA,
commanders and fighters of the armed police force, and public security officers
and men who took part in this struggle. I propose that we all rise and stand in
silent tribute to the martyrs.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words.
This storm was bound to come sooner or later. This is determined by the major
international climate and China's own minor climate. It was bound to happen and
is independent of man's will. It was just a matter of time and scale. It is more to
our advantage that this happened today. What is most advantageous to us is that
we have a large group of veteran comrades who are still alive. They have
experienced many storms and they know what is at stake. They support the use
of resolute action to counter the rebellion. Although some comrades may not
understand this for a while, they will eventually understand this and support the
decision of the Central Committee.
The April 26 Renmin ribao editorial ascertained the nature of the problem as that
of turmoil. The word turmoil is appropriate. This is the very word to which some
people object and which they want to change. What has happened shows that this
judgment was correct. It was also inevitable that the situation would further
develop into a counterrevolutionary rebellion.
We still have a group of veteran comrades who are alive. We also have core
cadres who took part in the revolution at various times, and in the army as well.
Therefore, the fact that the incident broke out today has made it easier to handle.
The main difficulty in handling this incident has been that we have never
experienced such a situation before, where a handful of bad people mixed with so
many young students and onlookers. For a while we could not distinguish them,
and as a result, it was difficult for us to be certain of the correct action that we
should take. If we had not had the support of so many veteran party comrades, it
would have been difficult even to ascertain the nature of the incident.
Some comrades do not understand the nature of the problem. They think it is
simply a question of how to treat the masses. Actually, what we face is not simply
ordinary people who are unable to distinguish between right and wrong. We also
face a rebellious clique and a large number of the dregs of society, who want to
topple our country and overthrow our party. This is the essence of the problem.
Failing to understand this fundamental issue means failing to understand the
nature of the incident. I believe that after serious work, we can win the support of
the overwhelming majority of comrades within the party concerning the nature of
the incident and its handling.
The incident became very clear as soon as it broke out. They have two main
slogans: One is to topple the Communist Party, and the other is to overthrow the
socialist system. Their goal is to establish a totally Western-dependent bourgeois
republic. The people want to combat corruption. This, of course, we accept. We
should also take the so-called anticorruption slogans raised by people with ulterior
motives as good advice and accept them accordingly. Of course, these slogans are
just a front: The heart of these slogans is to topple the Communist Party and
overthrow the socialist system.
In the course of quelling this rebellion, many of our comrades were injured or
even sacrificed their lives. Their weapons were also taken from them. Why was
this? It also was because bad people mingled with the good, which made it
difficult to take the drastic measures we should take.
Handling this matter amounted to a very severe political test for our army, and
what happened shows that our PLA passed muster. If we had used tanks to roll
across [bodies?], it would have created a confusion of fact and fiction across the
country. That is why I have to thank the PLA commanders and fighters for using
this attitude to deal with the rebellion. Even though the losses are regrettable, this
has enabled us to win over the people and made it possible for those people who
can't tell right from wrong to change their viewpoint. This has made it possible for
everyone to see for themselves what kind of people the PLA are, whether there
was bloodbath at Tiananmen, and who were the people who shed blood.
Once this question is cleared up, we can seize the initiative. Although it is very
saddening to have sacrificed so many comrades, if the course of the incident is
analyzed objectively, people cannot but recognize that the PLA are the sons and
brothers of the people. This will also help the people to understand the measures
we used in the course of the struggle. In the future, the PLA will have the
people's support for whatever measures it takes to deal with whatever problem it
faces. I would like to add here that in the future we must never again let people
take away our weapons.
All in all, this was a test, and we passed. Even though there are not very many
senior comrades in the army and the fighters are mostly children of 18 or 19 years
of age -- or a little more than 20 years old -- they are still genuine soldiers of the
people. In the face of danger to their lives, they did not forget the people, the
teachings of the party, and the interests of the country. They were resolute in the
face of death. It's not an exaggeration to say that they sacrificed themselves like
heroes and died martyrs' deaths.
When I talked about passing muster, I was referring to the fact that the army is
still the People's Army and that it is qualified to be so characterized. This army
still maintains the traditions of our old Red Army. What they crossed this time
was in the true sense of the expression a political barrier, a threshold of life and
death. This was not easy. This shows that the People's Army is truly a great wall
of iron and steel of the party and state. This shows that no matter how heavy our
losses, the army, under the leadership of the party, will always remain the
defender of the country, the defender of socialism, and the defender of the public
interest. They are a most lovable people. At the same time, we should never
forget how cruel our enemies are. We should have not one bit of forgiveness for
The fact that this incident broke out as it did is very worthy of our pondering. It
prompts us cool-headedly to consider the past and the future. Perhaps this bad
thing will enable us to go ahead with reform and the open policy at a steadier and
better -- even a faster -- pace, more speedily correct our mistakes, and better
develop our strong points. Today I cannot elaborate here. I only want to raise a
The first question is: Are the line, principles and policies adopted by the third
plenary session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee, including our three-step
development strategy, correct? Is it the case that because of this rebellion the
correctness of the line, principles, and policies we have laid down will be called
into question? Are our goals leftist ones? Should we continue to use them as the
goals for our struggle in the future? We must have clear and definite answers to
these important questions.
We have already accomplished our first goal, doubling the GNP. We plan to take
twelve years to attain our second goal of again doubling the GNP. In the next fifty
years we hope to reach the level of a moderately developed nation. A 2 to 2.9
percent annual growth rate is sufficient. This is our strategic goal.
Concerning this, I think that what we have arrived at is not a "leftist" judgment.
Nor have we laid down an overly ambitious goal. That is why, in answering the
first question, we cannot say that, at least up to now, we have failed in the
strategic goals we laid down. After sixty-one years, a country with 1.5 billion
people will have reached the level of a moderately developed nation. This would
be an unbeatable achievement. We should be able to realize this goal. It cannot be
said that our strategic goal is wrong because this happened.
The second question is: Is the general conclusion of the Thirteenth Party
Congress of one center, two basic points correct? Are the two basic points --
upholding the four cardinal principles and persisting in the open policy and
reforms -- wrong?
In recent days, I have pondered these two points. No, we have not been wrong.
There is nothing wrong with the four cardinal principles. If there is anything
amiss, it is that these principles have not been thoroughly implemented: They
have not been used as the basic concept to educate the people, educate the
students, and educate all the cadres and Communist Party members.
The nature of the current incident is basically the confrontation between the four
cardinal principles and bourgeois liberalization. It is not that we have not talked
about such things as the four cardinal principles, work on political concepts,
opposition to bourgeois liberalization, and opposition to spiritual pollution. What
we have not had is continuity in these talks, and there has been no action -- or
even that there has been hardly any talk.
What is wrong does not lie in the four cardinal principles themselves, but in
wavering in upholding these principles, and in very poor work in persisting with
political work and education.
In my CPPCC talk on New Year's Day in 1980, I talked about four guarantees,
one of which was the enterprising spirit in hard struggle and plain living. Hard
struggle and plain living are our traditions. From now on we should firmly grasp
education in plain living, and we should grasp it for the next sixty to seventy
years. The more developed our country becomes, the more important it is to
grasp the enterprising spirit in plain living. Promoting the enterprising spirit in plain
living will also be helpful toward overcoming corruption.
After the founding of the People's Republic, we promoted the enterprising spirit in
plain living. Later on, when life became a little better, we promoted spending
more, leading to waste everywhere. This, together with lapses in theoretical work
and an incomplete legal system, resulted in breaches of the law and corruption.
I once told foreigners that our worst omission of the past ten years was in
education. What I meant was political education, and this does not apply to
schools and young students alone, but to the masses as a whole. We have not said
much about plain living and enterprising spirit, about the country China is now
and how it is going to turn out. This has been our biggest omission.
Is our basic concept of reform and openness wrong? No. Without reform and
openness, how could we have what we have today? There has been a fairly good
rise in the people's standard of living in the past ten years, and it may be said that
we have moved one stage further. The positive results of ten years of reforms
and opening to the outside world must be properly assessed, even though such
issues as inflation emerged. Naturally, in carrying out our reform and opening our
country to the outside world, bad influences from the West are bound to enter our
country, but we have never underestimated such influences.
In the early 1980s, when we established special economic zones, I told our
Guangdong comrades that they should conduct a two-pronged policy: On the one
hand, they should persevere in reforms and openness, and the other they should
severely deal with economic crimes, including conducting ideological-political
work. This is the doctrine that everything has two aspects.
However, looking back today, it appears that there were obvious inadequacies.
On the one hand, we have been fairly tough, but on the other we have been fairly
soft. As a result, there hasn't been proper coordination. Being reminded of these
inadequacies would help us formulate future policies. Furthermore, we must
continue to persist in integrating a planned economy with a market economy.
There cannot be any change in this policy. In practical work we can place more
emphasis on planning in the adjustment period. At other times, there can be a little
more market regulation, so as to allow more flexibility. The future policy should
still be an integration of a planned economy and a market economy.
What is important is that we should never change China into a closed country.
There is not [now?] even a good flow of information. Nowadays, do we not talk
about the importance of information? Certainly, it is important. If one who is
involved in management doesn't have information, he is no better than a man
whose nose is blocked and whose ears and eyes are shut. We should never again
go back to the old days of trampling the economy to death. I put forward this
proposal for the Standing Committee's consideration. This is also a fairly urgent
problem, a problem we'll have to deal with sooner or later.
This is the summation of our work in the past decade: Our basic proposals,
ranging from our development strategy to principles and policies, including reform
and opening to the outside world, are correct. If there is any inadequacy to talk
about, then I should say our reforms and openness have not proceeded well
The problems we face in the course of reform are far greater than those we
encounter in opening our country to the outside world. In reform of the political
system, we can affirm one point: We will persist in implementing the system of
people's congresses rather than the American system of the separation of three
powers. In fact, not all Western countries have adopted the American system of
the separation of three powers.
America has criticized us for suppressing students. In handling its internal student
strikes and unrest, didn't America mobilize police and troops, arrest people, and
shed blood? They are suppressing students and the people, but we are quelling a
counterrevolutionary rebellion. What qualifications do they have to criticize us?
From now on, we should pay attention when handling such problems. As soon as
a trend emerges, we should not allow it to spread.
What do we do from now on? I would say that we should continue to implement
the basic line, principles, and policies we have already formulated. We will
continue to implement them unswervingly. Except where there is a need to alter a
word or phrase here and there, there should be no change in the basic line and
basic principles and policies. Now that I have raised this question, I would like
you all to consider it thoroughly.
As to how to implement these policies, such as in the areas of investment, the
manipulation of capital, and so on, I am in favor of putting the emphasis on basic
industry and agriculture. Basic industry includes the raw material industry,
transportation, and energy. There should be more investment in this area, and we
should persist in this for ten to twenty years, even if it involves debts. In a way,
this is also openness. We need to be bold in this respect. There cannot be serious
mistakes. We should work for more electricity, more railway lines, more public
roads, and more shipping. There's a lot we can do. As for steel, foreigners think
we'll need some 120 million metric tons in the future. We are now capable of
producing about 60 million metric tons, about half that amount. If we were to
improve our existing facilities and increase production by 20 million metric tons,
we would reduce the amount of steel we need to import. Obtaining foreign loans
to improve this area is also an aspect of reform and openness. The question now
confronting us is not whether or not the reform and open policies are correct or
whether we should continue with these policies. The question is how to carry out
these policies: Where do we go and which area should we concentrate on?
We must resolutely implement the series of line, principles, and policies
formulated since the third plenary session of the Eleventh CPC Central
Committee. We should conscientiously sum up our experiences, persevere with
what is correct, correct what is wrong, and do a bit more where we have lagged
behind. In short, we should sum up the experiences of the present and look
forward to the future.