My Book of Shadows

By Selena CrystalWolf

February 28, 1996

My Book of Shadows is a combination of various rituals. It has a mix of Scott Cunningham, Starhawk, Laurie Cabot, Silver RavenWolf, and the Braided Wheel tradition all intertwined. My own path is very Eclectic. I love the theories presented by the above named, so I've included some for your enlightenment. I have given credit where credit is due.

I should start, perhaps, by telling how I got into the craft. It is a simple story, but a good one, nonetheless. I went to a psychic fair where I got a reading from a Witch. I had watched her all day. I really loved the way she projected her personality, so bubbly and cheerful. After my reading, I asked her what kind of Witch she was. She searched around the table for a certain book that would explain things. She could not think of the title, but as she described the book to me, I asked, "Is it 'The Truth About Witchcraft Today' by Scott Cunningham?" She exclaimed, "That's the one. Read it and you will know what kind of Witch I am." I had that book on my shelf at home, for a long time, but never read it. I then read with enthusiasm. With every chapter I found myself saying, "Wow, I can relate to that." It was how I had felt my entire life, I just never had a name for it. So I read most of Scott Cunningham's other books and did a self-dedication rite on April 21, 1995.

Next, I met Eva. She invited me to go to a couple of rituals with her. I liked her style, so I plunged in all the way, and asked her to be my teacher. That's when I started studying under the Braided Wheel Tradition. Now, I would like to share some of my knowledge with you. Within these pages you will find Esbat rituals, Sabbat rituals, invocations, charms, spells, ritual layout, Altar set-up, and much, much more. So, please read and enjoy.

My hope is that the teachings of the Goddess and God I know can be passed down, understood, and cherished.

Blessed Be and enjoy!

Update: 1/27/99

I plan on adding many things as I go along, so if you have any cool spell, or invocations and would like to see them here, please send them to me. Remember to give me permission to use them, and do you want your name used or withheld. I will look them over, and put them where I think they should go, time permitting. I know some of the information is repeated from other pages, but this was not originally intended for the web. I just thought it would be neat to put it on my page. Thank you for visiting.


Braided Wheel Ritual

Dedication Rite & Thunder Water

Invocation to the God

Invocation to the Goddess

Last Updated on September 6, 1999