The Messenger

        The boy was small, easily fitting under the moat drawbridge. The guards overhead walked across to greet the appraching knight. The boy slipped up and over the edge of the bridge into the castle without a sound.
        The few people in the courtyard barely glanced at him taking him for a churl, one of the kitchen boys. Slipping into the kitchen to avoid suspicion he joined the line of boys waiting to take something to the knights in the great hall. When his turn came the hag who was filling their empty hands didn't so much as glance at him as she handed him a pitcher of wine.
        The boy quickly made his way to the great hall, familiar with the path from long hours studying the layout of the castle on map. Being careful not to spill he made his way directly to the king's place. Filling the king's goblet carefully with one hand he descreetly put a slip of paper with it.
        King Troy glanced at the boy noticing the note set before him. Just as descreetly as if nothing were out of the ordinary he slipped the note into his robes. The boy turned and made his way back to the kitchen after emptying his pitcher. Before he reached the door to the great hall one of the knights suddenly notices him and sprang up grabbing him by the scruff.
        "You're the boy I saw in the meadow near Gibralter two weeks ago! What were you doing there?!"
        The boy stared at him, fear in his eyes.
        "Answer me boy! What were you doing there? You're a spy aren't you?!"
        The boy suddenly kicked him hard in the groin and rand toward the door. The knight paled in pain but his agner gave him the ability to chase the boy and grab him prepared to cuff him hard.
        The impact never reached him. King Tory stood in the way giving the knicght a look that would melt ice. The knight stood indecisively for a moment before returning to his place.
        Turning to the boy the king gently asked "What's your name?"
        "Jaryl," the boy whispered.
        Taking the note from his robe the king read the message on it:

                                Plees take care of the boy hoo carys
                                this mesug. His royul famly is ded his
                                kingdum is taken I prae you help him
                                sumday regane it. He is the king.

        "Do you know what this says?" the king asked the boy.
        Jaryl shook his head.
        "Do you know who you are?"
        "I'm Jaryl, messenger boy," he whispered.
        The king looked thoughtful. "Messenger to whom?"
        "Gareth of Kyndora."
        Suprised showed on the king's face. "Kyndora? I thought that was a myth!"
        Jaryl shook his head.
        The king stood thinking for a moent. THen he said "Whoever gave you this note, this Gareth, wants me to take care of you. You are the heir to Kyndora. Someday he hopes we can regain your kindgom."
        Jaryl's eyes widened and he stared at the king. "I'm a prince?"
        "You're a king."
        "Are you going to help me?"
        "Yes, someday, we will regain your kingdom."

(c) 1995 by Randi Taylor

To Jessie - her idea gave me this story.

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