Poems by Other People

I Bind
Time to Sleep, my Child
Poems by Me

A friendship is a pact that you never offend.
It began when we met and it will never end...
and I gave you a part of my life.
My mind will be with you, though we're miles apart.
Remembering tims that made you part of my heart.
And our problems were only a trifle.
I trust you to me... and I ask for your trust.
And I'll never misuse it, should the world come to dust.
For you've become a part of me.
There's a fast growing bond... and I know I'm not wrong.
For with each passing day, it grows ever so strong.
And I give you my trust completely.
I give you the key to my heart and my mind.
They'll always be open and easy to find.
For I've never had reason to fear you.
I could package my spirit and give you my soul.
And entrust them to you and receive them back whole.
And I'll always be exactly near you.
I give you a power, make me happy or hurt.
And I give it out seldom for I know what it's worth.
But for you I could never do enough.
I know that you know me as well as myself.
And you know that I'll be there if you ever need my help.
No matter how hard or how tough.
I can tell you whatever and you always understand.
And you tell me when I'm wrong and give me courage to stand.
For we are open with all that we say.
It's a feeling that I know when you need me around.
Or sensing that you know when I'm up or I'm down.
For we've become closer each day.
And a friendship is forever...
                                    ...and it will never end
For a firendship is love...
                   and I love you my friend.
-Author Unknown
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I Bind
I bind unto myself today, the strong name of the Trinity.
By invocation of the same, the three in one and one in three.
I bind this day to me forever, by power of faith Christ's incarnation.
His baptizm in the Jordan river, His death on cross for my salvation.
His bursting from the spiced tomb; his riding up the heavenly way.
His coming at the day of doom: I bind unto myself today.
Of God all nature hath creation, Eternal Father, Spirit, Word.
Praise to the Lord ofmy salvation, salvation is of Christ the Lord.
-Author Unknown
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The Lonely One
Cry softly in the night, lonely one,
for yours is a struggle that has just begun.
The sorrow, the pain, the endless empty days,
those are the companian of your lonely ways.
You'll wait with hope and continually pray,
that the joy you know will return one day.
But your waiting and hoping is all in vain,
and the hopes that you have, just add to your pain.
Then suddenly one day you will realize,
that you have just been telling yourself lies.
The truth is sudden and it brings a lonely ache,
shattering the lies, told for your own sake.
Then slowly, so slowly, the tears will come,
and you'll cry softly in the night, lonely one.
(c) 1969 Sherry Fay
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Time to Sleep my Child
You've struggled long, against all wrong,
yet not a mark you've made.
The scene was set, the challenge met,
but time began to fade.
You took the test, and tried your best,
but hopeless was your cause.
You've come to say, there is no way,
to alter man-made laws.
Hard you fought, all for naught,
wrong upon wrong was piled.
Day is done, the end has come,
time to sleep, my child.
(c) 1968 by Sherry Fay
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Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
when the road you are trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and debts are high
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit,
rest if you must but don't quit.
Life is queer with it's twists and turns,
as everyone of us sometimes learns,
and many a person turns about,
when the might have won had they stuck it out,
don't give up though the pace seems slow,
you may succeed with another blow.
Often the struggler has given up,
when he might have captured the victors cup,
and he learned to late when the night came down,
how close he was to the golden crown,
it's very true, there is no doubt,
success is failure turned inside out,
so stick to the fight when your hardest hit,
it's when things seem worse that you must not quit!
-Author Unknown
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Love doesn't envy, love doesn't boast.
Love has no enemy, love cares the most.
Love isn't rude, love isn't proud,
Love isn't crude, love isn't a crowd.
Love isn't selfish, love won't age.
Love isn't hellish, love won't be caged.
Love isn't evil, love won't grudge.
Love won't reveal, love won't budge.
Love is patient, love is kind.
Love is ancient, love doesn't mind.
Love is truth, love will protect,
Love will soothe, love won't wreck.
Love will trust, love will hope.
Love won't lust, love will cope.
Love will persist, love won't flail.
Love won't twist, love won't fail.
-written by Joe Mauck
(c) 1998 by Randi Taylor
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The Animal's Christmas
Jesus, our brother, kind and good,
Was humbly born in a stable rude.
The friendly beasts aroudn him stood,
Jesus, our brother, kind and good.
"I," said the donkey, all shaggy and brown,
"I carried His mother up hill and down,
I carried her safetly to Bethle'm town."
"I," said the donkey, all shaggy and brown.
"I," said the cow, all white and red,
"I gave Him my manger for a bed.
I gave Him my hay to pillow his head."
"I," said the cow, all white and red.
"I," said the sheep, with the curly horn.
"I gave him my wool for a blanket worm,
he wore my coat on Christmas morn."
"I," said the sheep, with the curly horn.
"I," said the dove, from the rafters high.
"I cooed him to sleep so he would not cry,
We cooed him to sleep my mate and I."
"I," said the dove from the rafters high.
So every beast, by some good spell,
In the stable rude was glad to tell,
Of the gift he gave Emmanuel,
The gift he gave Emmanuel.
-Author Unknown
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