The Little Robin
The little robin
pecked at the trail of small yellow seeds lying on the snow. Keeping an
eye out for any kind of danger, the little robin hopped forward to reach
more seeds. Repeating his movements, the robin followed the trail to the
door. There waiting for him was the lady.
"Come on,
little robin," she said.
The little
robin tilted his head at her and broke into song. The lady smield and poured
a handful of honey covered bread crumbs on the floor. The little robin
hopped up and started pecking at them, singing in between bites.
After a minute
the little robin flew off leaving the crumbs barely touched. Puzzled, the
lady left the crumbs there with hopes that the little robin would return.
Usually he stayed until they were all gone.
A few minutes
later the little robin returned, bringing with him a little girl robin.
The lady smiled and laid out more crumbs.
"So," she
said to the little robin. "You've brought your little girlfriend!"
The little robin answered by going
into a happy song which the little girl robin joined. The lady smiled again
and waited for them to finish. After they flew away she happily cleaned
up what was left. She knew the little robins would come back every day
through the whole winter.
(c) 1997 by Randi Taylor