Beta Lambda Chapter

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The Beta Lambda chapter of Phi Delta Chi is a co-ed professional pharmacy fraternity at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. On January 12, 1991, the Beta Lambda chapter was founded at Southern University. Southern University then merged with Nova University in 1994 to form Nova Southeastern University. This unity of brothers is still strong today as we can depend on our brothers for important tips in school or work, to help when times get rough, or to be a friend to share fun times with.

As a national organization, Phi Delta Chi strives to improve its programs to better serve our Brothers, our profession, and the public. Phi Delta Chi is truly a life-long experience that promotes scholastic, professional, and social growth in its Brothers. In this way, we encourage service to patients and improvement of the public health and our profession.

As another school year begins, all the brothers of Phi Delta Chi look forward to meeting the incoming class of 2010. We promise to give the new pledges all the tools they need to have a successful (and most of all fun) school year. If you are a current or incoming student at Nova's College of Pharmacy, visit our Pledge Info page to see what you need to do to become a part of our fraternity and a leader in the field of pharmacy. First, second, and third year students are welcome.

Phi Delta Chi is proud to announce our brothers who have just been given the following prestigious awards in 2006:

  • Nature's Medicine Comprehensive Database Recognition Award
    Priscilla Nicole Payne

  • Lilly Achievement Award
    Fatima Louis-Lalixte

  • Perrigo Company Award
    Orly Anconina

  • College of Pharmacy International Leadership Award
    Claudia Santos

  • Golden Apple Award
    Dr. Kathy Fuller

  • Recipient of the Chancellor's Scholarship and the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship
    Marcia Demers

  • College of Pharmacy 2005-2006 Student of the Year and recipient of FSHP's Paul Magellan scholarship
    Christine Chukhadzhyan

Congratulations to our Brothers who proudly represent Phi Delta Chi at the top of their class!

Dean's List Fall 2005:

  • Class of 2006: Sabine Vilmar, Fatima Louis
  • Class of 2007: Christine Chukhadzhyan
  • Class of 2008: Yilian Alonso, Lisette Miranda, Dilwante Singh
  • Class of 2009: Marcia Demers, Dawn Rivard

Some of our brothers are also class officers and members of student government:

Class Officers:

  • P4 President of all campuses: Christine Chukhadzhyan
  • P3 Historian in West Palm Beach: Jennifer Rutledge
  • P2 Vice President in West Palm Beach: Monica Vargas

Additionally, many brothers of Phi Delta Chi have dedicated their lives to educate the future generations of pharmacists. Some of our brothers who are faculty at Nova Southeastern University include: Dean Emeritus of College of Pharmacy Dr. William Hardigan, Dr. David Gazze, Dr. Maria Hernandez, Dr. Kathy Fuller, Dr. John Baldwin, Dr. Stephanie Garrett, Dr. Matthew Seamon, Dr. Peter Ancona, Dr. Luque-Rey

We held a fundraising event to send cards to our troops overseas to show our support during the Fourth of July holiday. You can read about our event at

Please contact our Pledgemaster, Marcia Demers, if you are interested in joining Phi Delta Chi.

Rush 2005 at the annual NSU Bar-B-Q

Road Trip to Key West

PDC Group Picture at the Diabetes Walk in West Palm Beach

Initiation Party for the 2005-2006 pledges

Email Questions or Comments to: BetaLambda

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