1 __, Příspěvek k synthese selektivního ionexu na nikl,
(Contribution to the synthesis of an selective ion-
exchanger for nickel), Makromolekulární chemie 1, 16
2 __, Selektivní ionex pro těžké kovy, (Selective ion-
exchanger for heavy metals), Makromolekulární chemie
1, 84 (1956).
3 __, Kopecká J., Použití ionexů ke studiu acylací dle
Friedel-Craftse, (Application of ion-exchangers for
the study of Friedel-Crafts acylations), Makromoleku-
lární chemie 1, 47 (1956).
4 Kopecká J., __, Použití ionexů ke studiu propionylace
styren-divinylbenzenového kopolymeru, (Application of
ion-exchangers for the study of the propionylation of
the styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer),
Makromolekulární chemie 1, 119 (1956).
5 Číž K., __, Valter V., Odbarvovací ionexy. I. (Decol-
ourizing ion-exchangers I), Listy cukrovarnické 73,
182 (1957).
6 __, Filip O., Odbarvovací ionexy. I
II. Příspěvek khodnocení odbarvovacích vlastností, (Decolourizing
ion-exchangers III Contribution to the testing of the
decolourizing properties), Listy cukrovarnické 73, 243
7 __, Seidl J., Rahm J., Herstellung eines gegenüber
Nickel selektiven Ionenaustauschers, J.Polymer Sci.
31, 15 (1958).
8 __, Odbarvovací ionexy na bázi polykondenzátů m-feny-
lendiaminu a resorcinu s formaldehydem, (Decolourizing
ion-exchangers based on polycondensation resins from
m-phenylenediamine and resorcinol with formaldehyde),
Chemický průmysl 9/34, 209 (1959).
9 Dušek K., __, Povaha sorpčních pochodů při odbarvování
pomocí měničů iontů, (Character of sorption processes
at decolourizing by means of ion-exchange resins),
Chemický průmysl 9/34, 489 (1959).
10 Valter V., Číž K., __, Odbarvovací ionexy VI. Regene-
race ionexů, (Decolourizing ion-exchangers VI.
Regeneration of ion-exchangers), Listy cukrovarnické
75, 121 (1959).
11 Valter V., Číž K.,
__, Odbarvovací ionexy VII. Aktiva-ce ionexů, (Decolourizing ion-exchangers VII. Activa-
tion of ion-exchangers), Listy cukrovarnické 75, 155
12 Sucharda J., __, Odstraňování vápníku z technických
solanek sorpcí na katexech, (Elimination of calcium
from commercial brines by sorption on cation exchange
resins), Chemický průmysl 9/34, 113 (1959).
13 Kopecká J., __, Heterogenní ionexové membrány, (Hete-
rogeneous ion-exchanger membranes), Chemický průmysl
9/34, 43 (1959).
14 Seidl J., __, Hrbková E., Selective ion-exchanger bas-
ed on a phenylfluorone derivative, J.appl.Chem. 12,
500 (1962).
15 Seidl J., __, A new type of selective ion exchanger,
Chem. & Ind. 1960, 1190.
16 __, Krška F., Odbarvovací ionexy IX.
Příspěvek khodnocení stárnutí odbarvovacích ionexů,
(Decolourizing ion-exchangers IX. (A contribution to
the method of estimating the degree of ageing of dec--
olourizing ion exchangers), Listy cukrovarnické 76,
129 (1960).
17 __, Valter V., Mencl Z., Entfärbungsionenaustauscher,
ihre Eigenschaften und Anwendung in der Zuckerindus-
trie, Chemische Technik 12, 32 (1960).
18 Valter V., Mencl Z., Číž K., __, Odbarvovací ionexy
XI. Provozní zkušenosti s regenerací a vyslázením,
(Decolourizing ion-exchangers XI. Full operation
experience with regeneration and sweetening off),
Listy cukrovarnické 76, 241 (1960).
19 Valter V., Mencl Z., Číž K., __, Odbarvovací ionexy
XII. Provozní zkušenosti s odbarvováním kléru, (Dec-
olourizing ion-exchangers XII. Full operation exp-
erience with decolourizing of clairce), Listy cukro-
varnické 76, 265 (1960).
20 Rahm J., __, Syntéza selektivního katexu na nikl,
(Synthesis of an cation exchanger selective to
nickel), Chemický průmysl 11/36, 212 (1961).
21 __, Vašíček Z., Vliv struktury ionexů na jejich
schopnost odbarvovat cukerné roztoky, (Influence of
ion-exchanger structure upon their decolourizing
ability for sugar solutions), Chemický pr
ůmysl 12/37,213 (1962).
22 __, Odbarvovací ionexy XVIII. Stručná charakteristika
vyráběných a vývojových typů odbarvovacích ionexů,
(Decolourizing ion-exchangers XVIII. Brief charact-
eristic of decolourizing ion-exchanger types in prod-
uction and development), Listy cukrovarnické 79, 33
23 __, Vašíček Z., Odbarvovací ionexy XIX. Porovnání no-
vých typů odbarvovacích ionexů, (Decolourizing ion-
exchangers XIX. Comparison of new types of decolour-
izing ion-exchangers), Listy cukrovarnické 79, 33
24 __, Vašíček Z., Über den Einfluss der Ionenaustau-
scherstruktur auf die Entfärbungsfähigkeit gegenüber
Zuckerlösungen, in "Ionenaustauscher in Einzeldar-
stellungen", herausgegeben von Prof.R.Griessbach,
Band 1, "Anomalien bei Ionenaustauschvorgängen 1961",
Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1962, S.269.
25 Kutil J., __, Beitrag zur Gewinnung von Gold aus Ab-
fallösungen durch Kombination des Ionenaustausches mit
der Elektrolyse, in "Ionenaustauscher in Einzeldar-
stellungen", herausgegeben von Prof.R.Griessbach,
Band 1, "Anomalien bei Ionenaustauschvorgängen 1961",
Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1962, S.365.
26 __, Krška F., N
ovyj metod opredělenija obměnnych jem-kostěj annionitov, (New method for determination of
anion-exchanger capacity), Žurnal prikladnoj chimii
35, 2295 (1962).
27 __, Chemische Umsetzungen der Polymere II. Aminierung
des polymeren Epichlorhydrins, Collection Czechoslov.
Chem. Commun. 29, 478 (1964).
28 __, Ševčík S., Chemical Transformations of Polymers
III. Selective Hydrolysis of a Copolymer of Diethylene
Glycol Methacrylate and Diethylene Glycol Dimethacryl-
ate, Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 31, 1009
29 Ševčík S., __, Schmidt P., Chemical Transformations of
Polymers IV. Chemical Reactions of Glycol Methacrylate
Gels, J.Polymer Sci, C, 16, 821 (1967).
30 Petrariu I., __, Chemical Transformations of Polymers
V. The Hofman Degradation of Polymeric Quaternary Amm-
onium Bases, Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 32,
798 (1967).
31 Ševčík S., __, Chemical Transformations of Polymers
VI. Chlorosulphonation of Styrene-Divinylbenzene Cop-
olymers, Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 32, 4232
32 Pommerening K., __, Sedláček P., Chemische Umsetzungen
der Polymere VII.Acetylierung des löslichen Poly(Äthy-
lenglycolmonomethacrylat), Collection Czechoslov.Chem.
Commun. 33, 3191 (1968).
33 Ševčík S., __, Procházka M., Model Compounds of Hydr-
ophilic Gels I. Esters of Ethylene Glycol and Diethyl-
ene Glycol with Pivalic Acid, Collection Czechoslov.
Chem. Commun. 33, 1327 (1968).
34 Kupec J
., __, Ionexové kapiláry II. Výměnné vlastnostikapiláry typu silně kyselého katexu, (Ion exchanger
capillaries II. Exchange properties of a strong acid
cation exchanger based capillary), Chem. listy 61, 258
35 Kupec J., __, Ionexov
é kapiláry III. Výměnné vlastnos-ti kapiláry typu silně basického anexu, (Ion exchanger
capillaries III. Exchange properties of a strong base
anion exchanger based capillary), Chem. listy 61, 963
36 Kupec J., Gorjajev M., Ljubman N., Imangazijeva G.,
Šostak F., __, Ševčík S., Ionexové kapiláry IV. Pří-
prava a vlastnosti kapilár s aktivní vrstvou na basi
polykondensátů aromatických uhlovodíků s formaldehy-
dem, (Ion exchanger capillaries IV. Preparation and
properties of capillaries with an active layer based
on polycondensates of aromatic hydrocarbons with form-
aldehyde), Chem. listy 62, 463 (1968).
37 Ševčík S., __, Kupec J., Universální azeotropický ná-
stavec, (Universal azeotropic extension piece), Chem.
listy 62, 35 (1968).
38 __, Současné směry ve vývoji ionexů a analogických ge-
lových systémů, (Contemporary trends in the devel-
opment of ion exchanger and analogous gel systems),
Chem. listy 62, 153 (1968).
39 Krška F., __, Pelzbauer Z., Beitrag zum elektronenmi-
kroskopischen Studium der morphologischen Veränderun-
gen bei der Quellung makroporöser Kationenaustauscher
auf Styrolbasis, Angew. Makromol. Chem. 3, 149 (1968).
40 Krška F., __, Pelzbauer Z., Beitrag zur Auswertung der
Porosität von makroporösen Kationenaustauschern im ge-
quollenen Zustand, in "Ionenaustauscher in Einzeldar-
stellungen", herausgegeben von Dr.H.Reuter, Band 8,
"Kunstharz-Ionenaustauscher", Akademie Verlag Berlin,
1970, S. 166.
41 Vašíček Z., __, Ein Beitrag zum Abbau des Anionenaus-
tauschers auf der Basis von Polyvinylbenzyltrimethyl-
amoniumhydroxid, in "Ionenaustauscher in Einzeldar-
stellungen", herausgegeben von Dr.H.Reuter, Band 8,
"Kunstharz-Ionenaustauscher", Akademie Verlag Berlin,
1970, S. 272.
42 Kupec J., __, Exner J., Ševčík S., Ionenaustauscher-
Kapillaren, in "Ionenaustauscher in Einzeldar-
stellungen", herausgegeben von Dr.H.Reuter, Band 8,
"Kunstharz-Ionenaustauscher", Akademie Verlag Berlin,
1970, S. 549.
43 Daříčková A., Doskočilová D., Ševčík S., __, Note on
the Characterization of Ion Exchange Resins by NMR, J.
Polymer Sci. B8, 259 (1970).
44 Kupec J., Prokopová E., __, Ion-Exchange Capillaries
VI. Electric Conductivity of the Cation-Exchange Lay-
ers and an Attempt at Electrophoretic Separation,
Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 35, 3659 (1970).
45 Jandera P., Churáček J., __, Kupec J.,
Ionenaustauscherkapillaren VII. Untersuchung der
Sorption und Desorption des Chloro-Eisenkomplexes am
Kapillarentyp eines starkbasischen Anionenaustau-
schers, Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 35, 3112
46 Vašíček Z., __, Dufka O., Chemical Tran
sformations ofPolymers VIII. Degradation of Crosslinked Poly(vinyl-
benzyl)trimethyl Amoniumhydroxide and its Low
Molecular Weight Models by Hydroxyl Ions, Collection
Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 36, 1817 (1971).
47 Vašíček Z., Klaban J., __,
Chemical Transformations ofPolymers IX. An Infrared Spectroscopy Study of Styrene
Anion Exchanger Degradation, Collection Czechoslov.
Chem. Commun. 36, 1825 (1971).
48 Rahm J., __, Chemical Transformations of Polymers X.
Poly(trimethyl-4-methacryloyloxybutyl-amonium chlor-
ide-co-divinylbenzene), Collection Czechoslov. Chem.
Commun. 36, 2698 (1971).
49 Baldrian J., Gregor H.P., __, Aggregate State of Merc-
urated Polystyrene, Collection Czechoslov. Chem.
Commun. 36, 4054 (1971).
50 Holata J., Schmidt P., Ševčík S., __, Model Compounds
of Hydrophilic Gels II. An Interpretation of the Infr-
ared Spectra of Polymers by Means of Substituted Amid-
es of Pivalic Acid, Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Comm-
un. 37, 2009 (1972).
51 Hradil J., __, Chemical Transformation of Polymers
XII. Reactions of Polyethylene with Chlorosulphonic
Acid, Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 37, 3868
52 __, Gregor H.P., Synthese und Eigenschaften von Queck-
silber-Polyelektrolyten, Faserforsch.Textiltech. 24,
101 (1973).
53 Beneš M.J., Holata J., Peška J., __, Quaternäre Ammo-
niummethacrylate: Synthese und Polymerisation, Faser-
forsch. Textiltech. 24, 76 (1973).
54 __, Wichterle
O., Doskočilová D., Comment on the paper"Introduction of Hydroxymethylgroups into Polystyrene
and Styrene" by C.H.Bamford and H.Lindsay, Polymer 15,
323 (1974).
55 Hradil J., __, Kaganov A., Synek P., Investigation of
the Surface Structure of Polymers by Chromatographic
Methods I. Hydrophilized Polyethylene Capillaries for
Medical Applications, J.Polymer Sci., Polymer Symp-
osia, No.47, 123 (1974).
56 Baldrian J., Hradil J., __, Chemical Transformations
of Polymers XIII. Effect of Supermolecular Structure
on the Transformation of Polyethylene with Chloros-
ulphonic Acid, J.Polymer Sci., Polymer Symposia,No.47,
241 (1974).
57 Peška J., __, Schmidt P., Beneš M.J., Chemical Trans-
formations of Polymers XV. Poly(Ethylene Methacrylate
Arylsulfonates) As Alkylation Agents, J.Polymer Sci.,
Polymer Symposia, No.47, 19 (1974).
58 Holata J., Ševčík S., __, Chemical Transformations of
Polymers XVI. Preparation and Splitting of Poly(Meth-
acryloyloxyethyltrimethyl-Ammonium Hydroxide),
J.Polymer Sci., Polymer Symposia, No.47, 335 (1974).
59 Kahovec J., __, Chemical Transformations of Polymers
XVII. Amination of Poly(Oxy(2,2-Bis-Chloromethyl-Tri-
methylene)) (Penton), J.Polymer Sci., Polymer Symp-
osia, No.47, 217 (1974).
60 Kubín M., Ševčík S., __, Špaček P., Model Compounds of
Hydrophilic Gels III. Contribution to the Kinetics of
the Second-Order Competitive Consecutive Reactions,
Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 39, 2591 (1974).
61 Tao D.D., Doskočilová D., __, Characterization of
Macroporous Ion-Exchange Resins by Means of Convent-
ional and MAR-NMR Spectra, Angew.Makromol.Chem. 38, 129
62 Tao D.D., Doskočilová
D., __, Characterization of Por-es and Gel Phase in Macroporous Ion-Exchange Resins by
Means of NMR Spectra, Angew.Makromol.Chem. 45, 139
63 Beneš M.J., __, Peška J., Tichý M., Cikrt M., Chemical
Transformations of Polymers XVIII. Mercury-Complexing
Polymers with Pendent Thiol Groups. Preparation and
Medical Uses, Angew.Makromol.Chem. 44, 67 (1975).
64 Kaganov A.L., __, Synek P., Hydrophilized Polyethylene
Catheters, J.Biomed.Mater.Res. 10, 1 (1976).
65 Cikrt M., Tichý M., Beneš M., __, Peška J., Vliv sor-
bentů s thiolovými skupinami na vstřebávání a vylučo-
vá-ní rtuti a jejich organických sloučenin u krys (The
Influence of Sorbents with Thiol Groups upon Resorpt-
ion and Excretion of Mercury and its Organic Compounds
in Rats), Pracov.Lék. 27, 197 (1975).
66 Peška J.,__, Hradil J., Chemical Transformation of Po-
lymers XIX. Ion Exchange Derivatives of Bead Cellul-
ose, Angew.Makromol.Chem. 53, 73 (1976).
67 Baldrian J., Pleštil J., __, Small-Angle X-Ray Scatt-
ering from Macroporous Polymers: Styrene Divinylbenz-
ene Copolymers, Cellulose in the Bead Form, Collection
Czechoslov.Chem.Commun. 41, 3555 (1976).
68 Peška J., __, Hradil J., Ilavský M., Cellulose in Bead
Form. Properties Related to Chromatographic Uses, J.
Chromatogr. 125, 455 (1976).
69 Kahovec J., __, Degradation of Pivalamidoalkyl-Trim-
ethylammonium Hydroxides, Collection Czechoslov.
Chem.Commun. 42, 1838 (1977).
70 Kukuškin Ju.N., Kálal J., Beneš M.I., __, Švec F., Ká-
lalová E., Simanova S.A., Melgunova L.G., Sorbcija
platinovych metallov novymi selektivnymi sorbentami,
(Sorption of Platin Metals with New Selective Sorb-
ents), Izvestija vyššich učebnych zavedenij- Chimija i
chimičeskaja te
chnologia XX, 513 (1977).71 Baldrian J., Peška J., __, Ludwig J., Paul D., Cellul-
ose Packings in Bead Form - Porous Structure, Chromat-
ography of Synthetic and Biological Polymers, Volume
1, Column Packings, GPC, GF and Gradient Elution, Ed-
ited by Roger Epton, Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester
1978, p.109.
72 Ševčík S., Kubín M., __, Alkaline Hydrolysis of Ethyl-
ene Diacetate in Water-Acetone Solutions, Collection
Czechoslov.Chem.Commun. 43, 1214 (1978).
73 Peška J., __, Pelzbauer Z., Regenerated Cellulose in
the Bead Form. Aftertreatments and their Effects on
the Porous Structure of Cellulose, Cell.Chem. Technol.
21, 419 (1978).
74 Mohr P., Pommerening K., Kühn M., __, Beneš M., Synth-
esis of Imidazole Containing Matrices (Polyhydroxyeth-
ylmethacrylates, Polysaccharides) and its Application
in Affinity Chromatography, Edited by O.Hoffmann-Os-
tenhof et al., Pergamon Press, Oxford 1978, p.129.
75 __, Petrus V., Gregor H.P., Chemical Transformations
of Polymers XI. Mercuration of Polystyrene, J.Appl.
Pol.Sci. 23, 503 (1979).
76 Hradil J., __, Jílek R., Pospíšilík K., Helanová I.,
Sorbents of Heavy Metals Based on Bead Cellulose, Vth.
International Symposium "Progress and Application of
Chromatography in Chemical Industry", Bratislava April
26-28 (1977).
77 Hradil J., __, Jílek R., Pospíšilík K., Bead Cellulose
Derivatives Used in the Modelling of Sorption-Active
Sites of Biosorbent Based on the Mycelium Penicillium
Chrysogenum, Vth. International Symposium "Progress
and Application of Chromatography in Chemical Indus-
try", Bratislava, April 26-28 (1977).
78 Ševčík S., Kubín M., Štamberg J, Selective Alkaline
Hydrolysis of Glycol Methacrylate Gels Studied with
the Aid of Low Molecular Weight Model Substances, 5th
Bratislava IUPAC-sponsored International Conference on
Modified Polymers (July 3-6, 1979),Bratislava,Czecho-
slovakia, Vol.I., P48, p.241-245.
79 Pommerening K., Kühn M., Jung W., Buttgereit K., Mohr
P., __, Beneš M., Affinity Chromatography of Haem-
oproteins: 1. Synthesis of Various Imidazole Contain-
ing Matrices and Their Interaction with Haemoglobin,
Int.J.Biolog.Macromolecules, 1, 79 (1979).
80 Ševčík S., __, Holata J.
, Universální kolonka pro prá-ci se zrnitými funkčními polymery, (Universal Column
for Work with Granular Functional Polymers), Chemické
listy, 73, 1285 (1979).
81 Turková J., Vajčner J., Vančurová D., __, Immobiliz-
ation on Cellulose in Bead Form after Periodate Oxid-
ation and Reductive Alkylation, Collection Czechoslov.
Chem.Commun. 44, 3411 (1979).
82 __, Peška J., Paul D., Philipp B., Perlcellulose - ein
neuer makroporöser Träger für Ionenaustauscher und anal-
oge Systeme, Acta Polymerica, 30, 734 (1979).
83 Hradil J., __, DEAHP-Cellulose in Bead Form, Ion-Exch-
ange Symposium, Balaton, Hungary (1980).
84 Ševčík S., Kubín M., __, Alkaline Hydrolysis of Pival-
ic Esters of Ethylene Glycol in Water-Acetone Solut-
ions, Collection Czechoslov.
Chem.Commun. 45, 720 (1980).
85 Beneš M.J., __, Očenášek M., Matějka Z., Mercury Sorb-
ents with Thiol and Quaternary Ammonium Groups, Angew.
Makromol.Chem. 91, 109 (1980).
86 Kahovec J., Matějka Z., __,
EDTA Ester of Bead Cellul-ose. A Fast-Kinetics Chelating Sorbent, Polymer Bull-
etin 3, 13 (1980).
87 Pommerening K., Ristau O., Kühn M., Mohr P., __, Beneš
M., Investigation of Interaction Between Methemoglobin
and Polymethacrylates Containing Imidazole or Hydroph-
obic Side Chains by Means of EPR Spectroscopy, J,Pol-
ymer Sci.,Polym.Symp. 68, 79 (1980).
88 Eltekov Yu.A., Strakhova N.M., Kálal J., Peška J., __,
Gel Chromatography of Carbohydrates on Polysaccharide
Gel, Polym.Symp. 68, 247 (1980).
89 __, Peška J., Phillip B., Loth F., Perlová celulóza,
(Bead Cellulose), Papír a celulóza 36, 191 (1981).
90 Čoupek J., Gemeiner P., Jirků V., Kálal J., Kubánek
Vl., Kuniak L., Peška J., Rexová L., __, Švec F., Tur-
ková J.
, Veruovič B., Zemek J., Výzkum a vývoj nosičůpro imobilizaci enzymů a buněk v Československu, (Res-
earch and Development of Supports for the Immobilizat-
ion of Enzymes and Cells in Czechoslovakia), Chemické
listy, 75, 512 (1981).
91 Valentová o., Marek M., Švec F., __, Vodrážka Z.,
Comparison of Different Methods of Glucose Oxidase
Immobilization, Biotechnol.Bioeng., 23, 2093 (1981).
92 __, Bead Cellulose in Water and Waste Water Treatment,
3rd International Conference, Physicochemical Methods
for Water and Waste Water Treatment, Lublin, Poland,
Sept 21-25, 1981.
93 Quadrat O., Pavlík P., Peška J., __, An Investigation
of the Time Dependence of Viscosity in the Thermal
Splitting of Cellulose Xanthate, Acta Polymerica, 32,
461 (1981).
94 Kühn M., Pommerening K., Beneš M., Peška J., __,
Chemical Transformation of Polymers XXI. Imidazole
Containing Polymers from Crosslinked Macroporous
Poly(Methacrylic Acid Esters) with Reactive Sulfoester
Groups, Angew.Makromol.Chem. 97, 153 (1981).
95 Kühn M., Pommerening K., Mohr P., Beneš M., __,
Chemical Transformation of Polymers XXII.
Poly(Methacrylic Acid Esters) with Covalently Linked
Imidazole Side Chains, Angew.Makromol.Chem. 97, 161
96 __, Peška J., Dautzenberg H., Philipp B., Bead Cell-
ulose, Affinity Chromatography and Related Techniques,
Edit.: Gribnau T.C.J., Visser J., Nivar R.J.F., Elsev-
ier, Amsterdam 1982, p.131.
97 Lenfeld J., Peška J., __, Surface Oriented Mercuration
of Poly(Vinylaromatics), Reactive Polymers 1, 47
98 Horák D., Peška J., Švec F., __, The Influence of Por-
osity of Discrete Particles upon their Apparent Dim-
ensions as Measured by the Coulter Principle, Powder
Technology 31, 263 (1982).
99 __, Peška J., Preparation of Porous Spherical Cellul-
ose, Reactive Polymers 1, 145 (1983).
100 Čoupek J., Gemeiner P., Jirků V., Kálal J., Kubánek
Vl., Kuniak L., Peška J., Rexová L., __, Švec F.,
Turková J.,
Veruovič B., Zemek J., Nositeli dlaimmobilizacii fermentov i kletok, sozdannye v Če-
choslovakii, (Research and Development of Supports
for the Immobilization of Enzymes and Cells in
Czechoslovakia), Chimičeskaja enzimologija, Edit.:
Berezin I.V., Martínek K., Izdat.Moskovskogo Uni-
versiteta, Moskva 1983, p.260.
101 Starý P., Peška J., __, Recovery of Chromium on Ion
Exchange Units, Environment Protection Engineering 9,
101 (1983).
102 Matějka Z., __, Beneš M.J., Bead
Cellulose SulfonicAcid Cation Exchanger - Kinetic Properties and Res-
istance to Organic Fouling, Reactive Polymers 3, 33
103 Lenfeld J., __, Sorbents Based on a Composite React-
ive Carrier Composed of Bead Cellulose and Tosylated
Poly(2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate), 30th IUPAC Intern-
ational Symposium of Macromolecules, 1985.
104 __, Dautzenberg H., Lenfeld J., Loth F., Perlcellulo-
se mit einpolymerisiertem Polyethylenmethacrylattolu-
ensulfonat - Ein neues reaktives Trägermaterial, Acta
Polymerica 36, 87 (1985).
105 Lenfeld J., __, A Composite Sorbent Based on Bead
Cellulose and Mercurated Novolac, Reactive Polymers
5, 133 (1987).
106 Dautzenberg H., Loth F., Borrmeister B., Bertram D.,
Lettau H., Mende M., __, Peška J., DESHISANR - Bead
-Shaped Cellulose Material for Wound Treatment, Ma-
kromol.Chem.,Suppl. 9, 211 (1985).
107 Lenfeld J., __, Sorbents Prepared from a Composite
Reactive Carrier Based on Bead Cellulose and Poly-
(Ethylenemethacrylate-toluenesulfonate), Angew.Ma-
kromol.Chem. 152, 179 (1987).
108 __, Turková J., Hubková M., Pitrák Vl., Spherical
Cellulose with Controlled Porosity for Biomedical
Interactions, Chemically Modified Surfaces, Vol.2,
Gordon and Breach Sci.Publication, 1988, p.79.
109 __, Bead Cellulose, Separation and Purification Meth-
ods 17, 155 (1988).
110 Lenfeld J., __, Spherical Composite Sorbent Consist-
ing of Cellulose and Mercurated Novolac, Reactive
Polymers 11, 93 (1989).
111 Gemeiner P., Beneš M.J., __, Bead Cellulose and Its
Use in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chem.Papers
43, 805 (1989).