
I recently saw a series of advertisement hoardings promoting the Sky Sports cable and satellite channel which read:-
Football is my life
Football is my dream
Football is my religion

Sky Sports did not go so far as to have a hoarding which read:-
Football is my God

Many people take football very seriously, they watch their team on television, go to see the matches both in this country and abroad and buy the latest football strips (replica football sports clothing).
It is clear for these supporters that football and their team whether the team is doing well or about to be relegated (transferred to a lower football division) is the top priority, the number one thing in their lives.

There are many Christian supporters and well known footballers such as Glenn Hoddle and Gavin Peacock, who although having a great love of the game have found in Jesus something even more exciting and rewarding than Football.
For many supporters reading this, it may seem impossible that there is a God more exciting and rewarding than Football, ('With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible' Matthew Chapter 19 verse 26)

Jesus talks of the exciting and rewarding life he has to offer when he said
'I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness.' (John Chapter 10 verse 10)
God wants us to be in a relationship with him and be his children when he said
'Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and eat with him, and he will eat with me. (Rev Chapter 3 verse 20)
"Some, however, did receive him and believed in him; so he gave them the right to become God's children." (John Chapter 1 verse 12)

Jesus who is depicted as standing at the "door" of your life "waiting to be asked in" will come in when you ask him, you will become his child and receive eternal life.

Author  Michael Fowler  June 1998

Editor's Note  Without prejudice
Since this article was written Glen Hoddle left his position as England Manager because he allegedly expressed views concerning the disabled that many people found very upsetting.
This was well publicised in British and worldwide media.
He also expressed views concerning reincarnation.
Reincarnation is not a doctrine of Christianity. Put another way Christians do not believe in reincarnation.
However Glenn Hoddle's publically stated views do not detract from the overall argument Jesus wants to be number one.


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