The Good News of Jesus Christ website Welcome to my guestbook! 

Name: Michael Fowler
Sent: 5.29 PM - 10/25

Hi Edwin,

"How odd. No atheists on the book. And most of the messages are almost identical."

Not really, if you are an athiest, then you are the first to sign the book. The messages are similar, but all by different people, Christians who happened to have come across the website.

best wishes, 


Name: Edwin
Hometown: UK
Sent: 5.29 PM - 10/12

How odd. No atheists on the book. And most of the messages are almost identical.

Name: David Hester
Hometown: Virginia
Sent: 3.10 PM - 8/16

Shalom, I enjoyed your website! Please come visit HalleluYah Ministries. The Lord Bless You!

Name: Thomas
Hometown: Alabama
Sent: 11.17 PM - 6/7

You have a great website. God Bless!

Name: Allan Svensson
Hometown: Sweden
Sent: 10.47 AM - 5/13

I found your nice Web Site by surfing on the Internet, and I wish you God's peace and blessing through Jesus Christ.

Name: Dee
Hometown: Nebraska
Sent: 11.31 PM - 5/11

Hi and welcome to LHLS! I've enjoyed my visit to your wonderful site! I really love bubby, lol

Name: Tammy Jo~
Hometown: MI
Sent: 12.50 AM - 5/10

Your site is a blessing. Keep up the great work. Blessings, TJ

Name: Charlie Martin (acharlie)
Hometown: Goose Creek, SC
Sent: 10.55 PM - 5/8

Greetings and a warm welcome to LHLS web ring.

Name: UnashamedYouth
Hometown: Kenai, Alaska, USA
Sent: 8.10 PM - 5/5

HEY! Welcome to LHLS! This page is cool!

Name: Alberta
Hometown: Illinois, USA
Sent: 1.56 PM - 5/5

Hello dear brother Michael, and WELCOME to LHLS! I am so happy that you joined us. Your sites are just wonderful and filled with inspiration. I pray that many will find our Lord Jesus Christ, and His salvation through your pages and writings. I am blessed to know you. God bless you dear brother.

Name: Simon Hazlitt
Hometown: Kuwait,KU
Sent: 5.51 AM - 5/5

Welcome to LHLS family ring. Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from the Land of Kuwait. Your site is very well designed, interesting and inspirational...Keep up the wonderful work. May God richly bless you and your ministry. Please visit our Church site and give your valuable comments by signing in our Guestbook.
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." - Jeremiah 17:7,8 (NIV).
May the Lord Himself bless you and reveal Himself to you this day and He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." - Mark 16:15 </h3></font><p>

Name: Terri
Sent: 10.16 PM - 5/4

Welcome to LHLS! You have an excellent website. Keep up the good work of spreading His news! God bless.

Name: George Hounslow
Hometown: British Columbia, Canada.
Sent: 9.36 PM - 5/4

Welcome to LHLS Webring. This is a great group and I believe you will enjoy it. You have a great site, and I will be back to read more. Keep it up. God bless
Pastor George

Name: May
Hometown: Seguin, Texas
Sent: 1:18 AM - 11/11
I thoroughly enjoyed visiting your site and reading this most beautiful saving message. I want to thank you in behalf of all those who need this message for your willingness to share the good news of Christ to the world.


Name: Ron
Hometown: Casco, Michigan
Sent: 4:32 PM - 8/4
You have a wonderful web site! Keep up your good work for the Lord! God bless you!

Name: Michelle
Sent: 8:25 AM - 5/26
This is a great website. A wonderful witness for Jesus.
God bless you

Name: Candy Grant
Hometown: Mississippi
Sent: 1:55 AM - 5/21
Welcome to the BSMS Web Ring! I enjoyed viewing your site. Your message was clear and to the point. Many don't know it, but whatever the question is...JESUS is the Answer! God bless you! In His Love, Candy

Name: Alberta Kereta
Hometown: Putnam, Illinois
Sent: 9:33 PM - 5/12
You have a wonderful website that truly gives glory to our prescious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Welcome to BSMS webring. I can see you will be a great blessing to the webring. Keep up the good work for our Lord in your outreach and ministry. Come and visit my website when you have some time. God bless and again a big welcome!

Name: Bobby J Crawford
Hometown: Harlan, Ky.
Sent: 2:39 AM - 5/11
HI, and a very warm welcome to BSMS webring. It is a very good ring and i beleive Bridgett listens to God on her selections, very nice site you have, great food for those that need to eat, and don't we all .keep working for the lord as the rewards are great,,,,I am in his service,,,,Bob

Name: Jo
Hometown: VA
Sent: 2:24 AM - 5/11
Just want to welcome you to BSMS webring. I know it will be a blessing to you, as it has to us. You have a wonderful web site and I plan to return often. God bless you always.

Number of messages: 27

  The Good News of Jesus Christ website Welcome to my guestbook! 

Name: Tim Wilson
Hometown: Georgia, USA
Sent: 8:21 PM - 1/30
Excellent site. I really enjoyed the articles you wrote under "The Files." I pray many people will find this site and learn about the Love of our Lord. May GOD continue to bless your endeavors.

Name: Michael Fowler, Webmaster
Hometown: --
Sent: 6:34 PM - 1/20

If Abusive, Offensive, Spam or advertisements of PORN sites is posted, The messages will be removed and the persons posting such material will be reported.

The Webmaster 

Name: Jessica
Sent: 5:37 PM - 11/24
<b><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">
Greetings! Thanks for sharing your site with us on the net. Nice page. God bless.

Name: Pamela D. Hudson
Hometown: Patterson, Georgia USA
Sent: 5:55 PM - 11/23
Hi Mr. Fowler: Just clicked on your message to my Don't Use the GeoCities Guestbook and followed the lead to y'alls webpage. Loved it, loved it!! My husband and I are "Paulean" Christians (for lack of a better title). We were lead to salvation thru Jesus Christ via booklets, etc. from the Berean Bible Society ( They are Grace Believers also . . . i.e. "saved by grace, not by works, least any man should boast ..." You know that one. :) Thanks for the wonderful website. I am going to bookmark it and suggest it to others. Go with God, and if we all don't meet here on earth, we'll "meet in the air". :) Pamela

Name: Matt
Hometown: Thornton, CO
Sent: 11:40 PM - 11/13
It's awesome to see all these Christian sites on the web. Visit mine and sign my message board and tell me what you think. <><

Name: Tom
Hometown: Lancaster (USA)
Sent: 10:05 PM - 10/3
Great job with the page, God Bless

Number of messages: 26

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