WORD PUZZLE # 28                                LETTERS JUMBLED UP

The three words in each group are made up of the same letters. Find out the words.

        Example :    a.  Crippled            b.  A repast                c.  One of the sexes
        Answers      a.  lame                   b.  meal                      c.  male

1 a.    Glide like a stream b.    An animal  c.    A cock, hen or chicken
2 a.    To spring up  b.    Wan or colourless  c.    Sound of bell
3 a.    A contest of speed  b.    A measure of land  c.    To be fond of
4 a.    Nasty  b.   To be c.     Wicked
5 a.    Flesh of animal b.    Domesticated c.     A set of players
6 a.    An appellation b.    Long hair of horse c.     Ungenerous
7 a.    Photograph b.    To bridge c.     Short sleep
8 a.    A game b.    A small body of water c.     A doubling of rope
9 a.    Satisfy appetite b.    A chair or bench c.     A point of the compass
10a.   A stair b.    Caresses c.     A nuisance
11a.   A fruit b.    To cut the covering off c.     To harvest
12a.   To peruse b.    A challenge c.     Beloved


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