Fifth Annual Stevens Family Oscar Contest

   Nathalie   Dad   Mom  Anne   Jamie   Chris   Winners 
Best Picture The Aviator Million Dollar Baby Million Dollar Baby The Aviator Million Dollar Baby The Aviator Million Dollar Baby
Best Director Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood
Best Actor Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx
Best Actress Hilary Swank Annette Bening Hilary Swank Hilary Swank Hilary Swank Hilary Swank Hilary Swank
Best Supporting Actor Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman Thomas Haden Church Thomas Haden Church Morgan Freeman
Best Supporting Actress Cate Blanchett Virginia Madsen Virginia Madsen Cate Blanchett Cate Blanchett Cate Blanchett Cate Blanchett
Best Adapted Screenplay      Sideways Sideways Million Dollar Baby Sideways Sideways Sideways Sideways
Best Original Screenplay Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The Aviator The Incredibles Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Total Points 7 6 5 5 6 6  
Total Cumulative Points 27 22 14 27 21 14  



                             The Nominees


Best Picture
The Aviator
Finding Neverland
Million Dollar Baby


Best Director
Martin Scorsese, The Aviator
Clint Eastwood, Million Dollar Baby
Taylor Hackford, Ray
Alexander Payne, Sideways
Mike Leigh, Vera Drake


 Best Actor
Don Cheadle, Hotel Rwanda
Johnny Depp, Finding Neverland
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Aviator
Clint Eastwood, Million Dollar Baby
Jamie Foxx, Ray


 Best Actress
Annette Bening, Being Julia
Catalina Sandino Moreno, Maria Full of Grace
Imelda Staunton, Vera Drake
Hilary Swank, Million Dollar Baby
Kate Winslet, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


 Best Supporting Actor
Alan Alda, The Aviator
Thomas Haden Church, Sideways
Jamie Foxx, Collateral
Morgan Freeman, Million Dollar Baby
Clive Owen, Closer


Best Supporting Actress
Cate Blanchett, The Aviator
Laura Linney, Kinsey
Virginia Madsen, Sideways
Sophie Okonedo, Hotel Rwanda
Natalie Portman, Closer


 Best Adapted Screenplay
Before Sunset, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy, Ethan Hawke and Kim Krizan
Finding Neverland, David Magee
Million Dollar Baby, Paul Haggis
The Motorcycle Diaries, Jose Rivera
Sideways, Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor


Best Original Screenplay
The Aviator, John Logan
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry and Pierre Bismuth
The Incredibles, Brad Bird
Vera Drake, Mike Leigh
Hotel Rwanda, Keir Pearson and Terry George



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