References on Sahaja Yoga

Courtesy of (Dr. Heimo Lassnig)

Theses and Books

Chugh, Deepak. Effect of Sahaja Yoga Practice on Patients of Psychosomatic Diseases. MD Thesis, University of Delhi, 1987.

Sethi, Sandeep. Physiological Effects of Kundalini Awakening by Sahaja Yoga. Thesis for Doctor of Medicine. University of Delhi, 1986.

Hackl, Wolfgang. Effekte von Sahaja Yoga. Dissertation, University of Vienna, 1995 (in German)

Rai, Umesh. Medical Science Enlightened. New Insight into Vibratory Awareness of Holistic Health Care. New Delhi: Life Eternal Trust, 1993. (book)

Verez, Gwenael. La Mère et la Spiritualitè. La vérité confisquée. La voie retrouvée. Paris, Éditions Publisud, 1995. (Book in French).


Duadani, Usha, Rai, Umesh Computerized EEG. Analysis of Epileptic Patients Practicing Sahaja Yoga. Epilepsia, Vol. 32, 27; Delhi, IEC, 1991

Rai, U.C., Sethi, S., Singh, S.H.: Some effects of Sahaja yoga and its role in the prevention of stress disorders. Journal Int. Med. Sciences pp 19-23, March 1988.