Childtowne Home                      














“Developing the child’s potential through the joy of learning”








215 – 357 – 3930

(For questions, more information or if you would

 like to set up an appointment to visit.)





Mission Statement


*   To adhere to Maria Montessori's philosophy and her respect for the child


*   To provide the highest quality nurturing in all areas of developmental growth for

any and all children from 18 months through Kindergarten, regardless of  their

           abilities or limitations


*   To provide knowledge and assistance to any parent who requests it

*   To provide educational opportunities for ourselves, for other educational

professionals and for the community




Non-Discrimination Policy


     Childtowne is a non-profit, state licensed, non-sectarian, racially non-discriminatory school incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania







History and Background                  


     Childtowne Montessori School was founded in 1969 - the dream of five mothers to provide a Montessori education for their pre-school aged children. From one class of 21 children, Childtowne has grown to currently include three preschool classrooms, a kindergarten program, two toddler/transitional classrooms and an extended hours program for working parents.

     Childtowne continues to flourish under the direction of four of its original founders, who serve as the school’s governing Board of Directors.









     The Toddler and Preschool Teachers of Childtowne Montessori School are required to be college degreed, and most are trained and certified by accredited Montessori Training Centers.  All staff participates in seminars, conferences and workshops relating to the early childhood field.  In-Service days are scheduled each year to provide an opportunity for continuing education and observation of other schools.







Montessori Philosophy                      


     Dr. Maria Montessori, for whom the philosophy is named, was the first woman medical doctor in Italy. She became fascinated with the concept of learning as a result of her medical duties, and returned to the university to earn her doctorate in education and went on to become a world-renowned educator. Coupling her two worlds, Montessori developed ideas about learning that ultimately became her philosophy and, unique to the field of early childhood education, also designed a set of didactic materials to support her beliefs. A basic component of this philosophy is that, carried unseen within each human, is the person that child can become. This explains Montessori’s focus on the young learner.



“The work of the child consists of creating the human being that it has to become. The adult works to improve his environment while the child works to improve himself.”

Maria Montessori







 Toddler/Transitional Program        


     Childtowne's toddler teachers have created a warm and nurturing environment for this community. Children range in age from 18 months through 3 years of age. Utilizing the Montessori philosophy, the classroom teacher assists the young child in developing intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. Children learn through their own initiative and interest as well as at their own pace. Emphasis is placed on routine in order to foster the toddler’s need for security and independence.  The Montessori environment is prepared for the young child; organized from simple to complex, moving from left to right on the shelves.


     The toddler is on his “road to independence,” hence these freedoms found in the Montessori classroom facilitate the process.





Freedom to explore         Freedom of choice         Freedom to speak

Freedom to develop respect for each other and the Montessori work

Freedom for repetition        Freedom of movement        

 Freedom to experience order





     At this early age, we see the child developing his power of concentration.  This accomplishment will last him a lifetime. 


     Our Montessori Program is designed to meet the needs of every child.  We attempt to satisfy the scheduling requirements of each family. A supplemental music and movement program is also offered to those enrolled.



Growth comes from activity, not from intellectual understanding.”

Maria Montessori







Preschool Program                     


     Childtowne conducts three morning preschool classes from 9:00 to 11:45. The Montessori classroom is a miniature society in which the children live and work cooperatively. Each mixed age class spans the years of 3 through 6. Each child proceeds at his own pace and is able to enjoy his own accomplishments rather than compare himself with others in the class. In this way a positive self-image develops. As older children help younger, they reinforce their own learning. The adult in the classroom is primarily a facilitator and guide. She is also the connecting link between the children and the materials, giving large group, small group and individual lessons.


     There are four primary areas of a Montessori classroom. The area that contains Practical Life exercises lays the foundation for all the other materials in the classroom. The purposes of these daily living tasks are to develop the senses of order, concentration, coordination and independence.


     The Sensorial area in the classroom allows children to explore, develop and refine the five senses. The materials provide a guide to observation and classify the impressions that each sense can receive.


     Language is an important component of the entire curriculum. The environment includes provisions for developing basic reading skills, introducing reading as a tool, fostering reading interest in appropriate literature and encouraging life-long reading habits.


     The Mathematics area of the classroom involves concrete manipulative materials and symbolic representations for developing skills and internalizing concepts. All materials have a built-in control of error, which enables the child to see mistakes for himself rather than be corrected by a teacher.


     In addition to these four major areas, the Montessori classroom also includes cultural areas that allow for exploration into science, geography and history.


     The special subjects available for the preschool program are Art, Music, French and/or Movement, each conducted by a teacher who specializes in that area.



“To the young child, learning is a natural function of childhood - effortless, challenging, and meaningful.”

Maria Montessori







Kindergarten Program                     


     Childtowne offers a Kindergarten program for those children who are eligible. Eligibility requires meeting the age criteria for the child’s school district, in addition to teacher’s recommendation that the child is developmentally, socially, emotionally and academically ready for Kindergarten.


      The Kindergarten hours are 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Following their mixed-age morning program, the Kindergarten group has lunch together and completes the day in a kindergarten-only classroom.


     The third year of the Montessori 3-6 year old program is the time when many of the earlier lessons come together and become a permanent part of the young child’s understanding. The Kindergartners begin to work with more of the advanced Montessori materials based on the foundation established in previous years. Skills previously learned are reinforced as the student has many opportunities in the morning to teach the younger children lessons that they learned when they were that age.


     Some of the additional skills improved upon, and/or developed, are: following verbal directions given in a group situation, completing assignments on time, developing work habits and social skills. This is done through group activities and play. Kindergartners are also given more traditional type work to ease the transition they will be required to make in their new school the following year.







Extended Hours Program                 


     Childtowne offers extended hours for those families that require them, and indicate this need on their registration form. These hours are:


     Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.  / 11:45 a.m.– 5:30 p.m.


     Children participate in individually directed play activities (i.e.: blocks and puzzles) as well as crafts, music and creative dramatics. Children are given increased responsibility for taking care of themselves and their environment. In addition, there is frequent opportunity for socialization.


     While the curriculum differs from that of our morning program, every effort is made to incorporate Montessori principles into this program.







Interim Program                             


     Childtowne tentatively offers a 1 – 2 week interim program each year (based on level of interest) following the end of the school year. It is an indoor/outdoor program including crafts, games, story time, music and water play.



Montessori recommends,  Observe, and take your lead from the child.”







Policies and Procedures                  


Classroom Management and Discipline Policy


     One of the more challenging situations teachers and parents face is dealing with inappropriate and unacceptable behavior they find in the children with whom they work. In order to establish a peaceful environment, the ideas and procedures for discipline in the Montessori classroom include the following:


*   Teachers work to establish honest, secure and supportive relationships with the children in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

*   Children are involved in forming rules and are taught problem-solving skills and conflict resolving strategies.

*   Teachers model appropriate behaviors.

*   Teachers explain the reasons for limits or rules to be sure children understand the need for it.

*   Teachers anticipate problems and redirect students to an appropriate activity before a conflict or problem arises.

*   Teachers observe carefully to discover when and why problems may occur and how they might be prevented.

*   Teachers use occasions of appropriate behavior as opportunities to explore alternate actions.




Application Process:  


*   A visit to school - tour and observation.

*   Preliminary application check for $50, a non-refundable registration fee.

This is a one- time registration fee paid with the initial application.

Fee can be refunded only if space is not available in any classroom.

*   Deposit of $100 due with required forms that will be applied toward total tuition due.




School Operating Hours


     When school opens, the starting dates for students are staggered. Check school calendar for his/her starting date.


     Children enrolled in the morning program only, will attend school from 9:00 to 11:45.


     Those children signed up for the lunch program only will be dismissed at 12:45.  This program begins later than the September opening of school.


     Children enrolled in the extended hours program will begin their indicated regular hours upon the opening of the school year.


     The afternoon kindergarten class begins later than the September opening of school.


     Childtowne’s official office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 to 5:30.






     The responsibility of transporting toddler and preschool children to and from school rests entirely with the parents of the children.


     Parents of Kindergarten children who are eligible for busing are responsible for all communication with their school districts with the exception of the initial application.


     Kindergarten children utilizing school district transportation are required to go home on their assigned buses. (Unless the parent has made arrangements to pick up.) Childtowne is unable to authorize a child’s drop-off at a stop other than the one designated by the district for that particular child.






     Children will be released only to those Authorized Persons listed on the Emergency Contact Sheet on file in the school office. Authorized Persons must be at least 16 years of age and have a valid driver’s license as proof of identification. Proof of identification will be required if someone other than the child's parent is picking up.







Contact Between School and Parents


     There will be many opportunities for you to become involved in your child's school.


     There are a number of child/adult events scheduled throughout the school year, such as Pumpkin Night, Special Person's Night, Grandparent's Day, Mother's Day Breakfast and Family Day.  We encourage your involvement in any or all of these activities.


     Newsletters are distributed regularly outlining activities and special events happening at school.  In addition, each teacher sends home a monthly calendar of activities.  Please check your child's folder daily for work as well as communication from the staff.


     We hold parent teacher conferences in November for NEW students only and February for ALL students.  If you feel a conference is necessary at any other time of the year, contact your child's teacher.  This request may be made at the request of either parent or teacher.


     Progress Reports are distributed at the end of the school year.




Classroom Visitation


      Parents are welcome to observe the classroom from December 1 through mid-May.  Please call the office to schedule an appointment.  Children may not accompany observers.  Observations will be limited to 1/2 hour and observers are asked to follow the guidelines presented at the time of the observation.




Parent Education


     In an attempt to keep parents informed and educated on the issues surrounding children and their education, we offer the following options.  Our office maintains a resource file and library containing articles, books and videos addressing topics from ADHD to separation anxiety, from sibling rivalry to toilet training and many more. We also supply reading material throughout the year on issues specific to you and your family.


     Childtowne also plans to offer several workshops each year to discuss and gather additional information about subjects pertaining to children and families.




Field Trips


     Childtowne classes plan to take one or more field trips each year. Pertinent information will be communicated, permission slips will be required and any fees will be collected before departure. Parents who volunteer to accompany the class will chaperone a small group of students, and therefore are asked not to bring siblings.


     Usually buses are chartered for school trips. However, if private vehicles are used to transport children, it is a DPW regulation that there be at least 2 adults in the car and each child has a seat belt.






     In order to provide enrichment programs (such as French, Music and Cultural Arts), scholarships and teacher education, it is necessary to obtain funds in addition to tuition. Throughout the year, you will be asked to voluntarily participate in a variety of fundraisers, ranging from purchasing items (magazines, candy, raffles, etc.) to working and donating items at events (such as Family Day, auctions, etc.). We count on the support of every family to help in whatever way they can to enrich their children’s education.



“Never let a child risk failure until he has a reasonable chance of success”

Maria Montessori







How to get to Childtowne               


Childtowne is located at 1380 Bristol Road in Churchville, PA.

For more details or driving directions from your home visit:


Last updated: 11/10/2003