My Friends

My little fairy in a bottle.  I see lots of faeries around our house.  I try to catche them all the time, with the help of my cat, Saelym, but they are always too fast. 
They visit me when Mommy makes me take a nap and when I wake up they are there to greet me.  But now, thanks to Mommy adopting one for me, I have my very own Fairy in a bottle.  You can get one too.

This is Bonzai, my little faery in a globe.  I wanted him because he is the only faery I have seen that is a boy like me.  Plus he is in a globe, like my picture on my front page. 
I named him Bonzai because my Mommy has a little bonzai tree that I like to kiss and look at.
You can adopt a fairy in a snowglobe too.

So far these are my only adoptions, but I hope to be getting more, so check back often, and definitely go and adopt some of your own!!