Welcome to Penny's World

Let me start by telling you a little about me.... I am 44, married, and happy. My Philosophy is:

Live Life to its Fullest...The Only Regrets We Have In Life Are The Risks We Never Take

Life is too short to be miserable, and I intend to make the best of it!!! We all have things happen in our lives that can either tear us down or make us stronger. I believe that "what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger". Life is what you choose to make of it. Personally, I choose to be happy and look at the good in people, and the good that can come from any situation. And Yes, even in a terrible situation, you can find something good. It's all in how you look at it. Take each day as it comes, and don't forget to SMILE, you'd be amazed what it can do !!!

Like most people born in my era, I am outgoing and opinionated. Some people find me bold and abrasive, but I believe in being honest and being true to ones self. I'm a trusting soul, which has gotten me into a few scrapes in my life. But I am also a fighter, and I may get knocked down but I will not stay down long. And I do come up fighting. I thank God, for making me the way I am. I am very independent,sometimes a little too independent. I do have a brain,,, and I do use it.

I am an "outdoor" person and love things like camping, skydiving, watching sunsets, walking on the beach, cuddling up on the couch with someone special. I love being able to work on little projects and especially learning new things. I enjoy the little things in life that most people tend to forget. I believe that TRUE happiness comes from within and NOT in what you have, though I am sure there are some that would disagree with me.

I first came to New Zealand in November 2000 because of a very special little boy named Cody. New Zealand was wonderful, and the people were GREAT! I was welcomed by everyone. See pictures from my New Zealand trip.

I've been living in New Zealand since August 2001. It has been great, though I do miss my family. On February 12, 2003... I married a wonderful Kiwi named Dave. He's a big pussycat, though he doesn't like me telling others that. Shhhh don't tell.

I've put a few thumbnail pictures below for you to view at your leisure. By clicking on each picture you will be taken to another page that gives you the full size one. I hope you enjoy your visit in my world.. You're welcome back anytime. PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO SIGN MY GUESTBOOK WHILE YOU'RE HERE. Sign Guestbook

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Have a wonderful day, and don't let anyone get you down.

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