Let the Power of the
Dragon Enter Your
Let the magic work from within, to heal, solidify, and create yourself anew. I do not claim to know it all by any means... but I know where I am learning. Magick is a wonderous thing, for my life, and it has helped me to find my inner strength. I have called on the dragons, because they have spoken to me. I have gone toward healing beacause I am called. I can feel the energies that surround us all, and am learning how to work with them. Magick is not something I will use for doing harm. I agree with the Wiccan Rede....Harm Ye None......for there are too many that are already injured, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
"Conjuring Stone" by Larry Elmore
Life Is A Journey ... We are all Teachers ... We are all Students
I will admit, I have learned from a number of paths. My first "teacher " called herself Wiccan. I have learned bits and pieces from Wicca, Kabbalah, Druidry, Nordic, and Native American, and have kept an open mind to so many other paths. This is how we end up with the neopagan term "ecclectic". So, there are many things to encounter on our journeys. I have developed a connection to those mythical creatures known as the dragons, or rather, they have connected to the dragon in me. There is so much that is difficult to explain in this regard, but I know that they are viewing the plane we live on as many spirit guides do, at a distance and with interest only when it suits. They enjoy the energy that I can pull into myself, and what I collect. They will often assist when asked nicely in my endeavors, but most often with the focus of healing energies. To read more on healing, visit the chakra page and my soon to come healing page. To read more on the dragons, wel...hehehe.... I will offer as much as I can from my heart, for they do not speak to me the same way that they will to you, I am sure. We are all individual pieces of a greater consciousness and in that, have unique and individual responses to the world around us. Here are some possibilities that may allow you to find the path that you are on.

My Healing BeliefsJust a little info.
A Recommended Reading List from my library.
Some Chakra Healing Info for you to use
A little Pagan Poetry, maybe?
A break to The Garden Altar might be enjoyable
A List of Music and some excerpts from songs that may brighten your day

A List of places that are fun to visit....and informational, too.
Site Map
Still working on it.... ALL of the links will work in a while Some already do!
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I do not claim any of the graphics on these pages as my own. I have tried to give credit where credit is due, where the artist is known, and with requested links from other creators and artists. If you are an artist and you would like me to take down your work, or identify differently, email me at Sirathus@aol.com