Welcome to the Happy Phantom (a.k.a. Becca's Mecca), currently and probably forever a work in progress. This is a very personal page and its highest aspiration is to be a good connection to my friends and family, and be full of stuff that I think is important or amusing.


The most interesting link in here so far is my Poetry Page, which is packed with assorted poems and other varieties of entertainment.

There's more good stuff on My comics page. Otherwise known as: Things that I think are hilarious. Contains enough copyright infringement to entertain you for at least a few minutes. I won't tell if you won't.

For the curious, here is a work in progress - pictures and narrative from Benny's Wedding.

Links to look at

My new favorite page: The Spark Check out the personality test and the ask Jesus section, to start. the rest is great too.

Flora's Hideout I especially like the drink recipes, but the rest of it is fun too. It's what I want my page to be someday...
Betty Bowers Fabulous over-the-top parody, including brilliant social commentary.

Pages of friends:
Go to Dorothy's Page for literature, links, and wedding stuff.
Amy's Page has AIDS ride pictures and info, rockin' women folk singers, etc.
LikeLike.com The polls are in!


Here's a link to the alma mater: Wesleyan University

OraVax/Peptide WebsiteClick here for a link to lovely OraVax where I work. We're owned by Peptide Therapeutics, so it's mostly their page. They've got some good stuff in it, though. Check out the presentation in the investor information section for an interesting summary of what we're working on. For a good laugh, check the stock price.

Anyway I hope you enjoy what's here and there is always more to come.

Email questions, comments or rambling of your choice to gern_gern@yahoo.com

Feel free to send me suggestions but don't get impatient about their implementation.