Welcome to the Stavros Project Website


Skines, Crete, Greece

Father John Apostolakis

In Crete, the largest island of Greece, there lies a fruiful valley, a twenty minute drive from the city of Chania. In this valley, there is a village called Skines. It is home to the great orange festival, and about seven hundred villagers. The mountains near this village are pictured above. It is a lush green area, home to the wild rabbits, unique birds and other animals that only inhabit this area. Where Father John Apostolakis, (Founder of the Stavros Project), is standing, is the future sight of the Stavros Project. This point on the mountain overlooks Skines, and nearby villages, such as Fournes and Alikianos.

The "Stavros" or "The Cross of Crete" project .

On a hill which the old timers called the 'hill of man', west of the valley of Skines - Fournes near the city of Hania on the island of Crete, a project is slowly coming to life. It depicits the purpose of the meaning of true life. It is a series of dramatized steps of the triumphant last events in the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It begins from the north side opposite the Stavros square with an open amphitheatre, Byzantine style which would correspond to the judgement halls of Caiaphas and Pilate.

Walking south on a stone paved walkway we reach the burial cave of Jesus. Next to the burial site is the " living waters".

Water fountains with quotations on the right and left from the 'living Words of the Master'.

Again walking south our next stop brings us to the "Garden of Gesthemane". Here we sense the agony of the Savior.

Our next station brings us to the square of the "Stavros". The place where man after the shame of the cross, becomes glorified.

Departing the square of the "Stavros" we finally arrive at a beautiful architectual stucture that will serve as a resting place for the traveler with a cafeteria and a conference center.

This whole project which is placed in one of the most beautiful natural locations in Crete in the shadow of the "Lefka Ori" (The White Mountains) serves as a memorial for all Christianity.

It is the dramatized example from the Greatest Teacher, for every disciple to follow. And he said to them " if any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me".


Our goal is to complete this mission and project within the next five years.

The main reason is to celebrate through visual and actual monuments significant events in the life of Christ. One major benefit is that visitors will be able to enjoy the preserved natural environment surrounding the park. By creating the park, the use of the land will benefit all. It is expected to attract visitors and help the economic development in nearby villages by providing employment and tourism.

Although the project is well under way, more help is needed in the form of financial and material contributions. Volunteers are all welcome to come and help. Your support is welcome to realize this project and ensure the spiritual, cultural, and economic prosperity of this vital region of Crete. For more information on the Stavros Project or to direct your contributions please contact:

Father John Apostolakis

Skines, Kydonias

Hania, Crete,


Phone 30 821 77 237





Skines is located just 20 minutes South of the city, Hania. The Kydonia Province of Crete itself is a wonderful area, rich in culture and background, with the Samaria Gorge and Lefka Ori nearby. From the site of the religious park, the Lefka Ori provides a spectacular view.

A Website with Information on Crete This website was created by Lydia Eleni Bigelow with the help of Mark G. Bigelow.