
Bard, Seer, Wise One, Druid

From a time of long ago where humankind respected the land and chivalry was not a myth, a simple "man" graced the Earth with his wisdom and intelligence. Kings feared him for what he was, while the Celts honoured and followed the same deities as he did. Cloaked in Earth tones (Browns, Reds, Oranges, Greens) and accompanied with his oaken staff, one of the famous "characters" of the Arthurian Legend is my guide to the OtherWorld - Merlin.

We have all heard the tale of Merlin, and we have all seen many portrayals of him. He has graced many books with his spells and knowledge that was claimed lost for centuries, but I feel this does not do Merlin justice. In my mind, I do not picture him in a big pointy hat with a long beard. Then again, this is my account of what Merlin is. Truth is what you make it. Many paths may lead to the same truth. As long as you reach that goal, it is not important what road you took to get there.

Through the years, the Son of the God and Goddess returned in various forms - one of them being Merlin. He knew Christianity was spreading through the Isles, and he wanted the Celts to accept this transition. All Gods are one God, and all Goddesses are one Goddess. But, as time progressed, Merlin's rank and station slowly began to melt into the vast sea of endlessness. He did all he could with the time he was given. Merlin was sacrificed for his beliefs by one of the women he truly loved, Nimue. Once his student and friend, Nimue felt (as did many who dwelled on Avalon) that Merlin was abusing his right as Druid and Counsel to the King. His punishment - banishment into an Oak tree for preaching the words of the One God, the Christian God.

It is my belief that Christianity is a religion not meant to be as it is represented today. It was Jesus' intention to spread the word of love and trust. His goal was to unite all people and all religions. Tolerance was what he preached, and all he wanted was love in return.

Did Merlin fail in the end? No, I believe that he did not because he paved the way for his students to follow. You cannot give up on hope, faith, and belief no matter how hard the fight is. I may not be Merlin, but I can walk the path that he had walked. I can teach, guide, and mediate as he has done. I am who I am - nothing more and nothing less. These are my tools - words that are spoken from my lips and words that flow from my pen. Words that I believe in, and words that Merlin believes in. I am walking the path, and I am learning the path. It is a long journey, but the benefits are outstanding. From time to time we all need something to believe in no matter how small it may seem. Merlin lives inside of me, just as I live inside of him. We are interconnected in a vast, never ending circle as teacher to student, friend to friend, and Druid to Druid.


Personal Deities