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 Humboldt Universität zu Berlin , Institut für Biochemie Pavlos Chaitidis
 Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Biochemie
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Pavlos Chaitidis 

New   adress: Monbijoustr. 2
10117 Berlin-Germany
Study   e-mail: Pavlos.Chaitidis@Charite.de
Research   phone: ++49 30 450 528006
Links   state: Biochemist

P. Chaitidis:
Wechselwirkung zwischen der Reaktion der 15-Lipoxygenase mit Membranphospholipiden und den Aktivitäten von Phospholipasen A2.
Diplomarbeit, vorgelegt dem Fachbereich Chemie der FU-Berlin, 1998.

P. Chaitidis, T. Schewe, M. Sutherland, H. Kühn, S. Nigam (1998):
-15-Lipoxygenationof phospholipids may precede the sn-2 cleavage by phospholipases A2: reaction specificities of secretory and cytosolic phospho- lipases A2 towards native and 15-lipoxygenated arachidonoyl phospholipids.-

FEBS Lett. 434: 437-441. 136kb

S. Nigam, P. Chaitidis, H. Kühn, T. Schewe (1998): 
Cleavage of -15-lipoxygenase-treated phospholipidsby secretory and cytosolic phospho- lipases A2. Possible implications for PAF biosynthesis.-

6th International Congress on Platelet Activating Factor and Related Lipid Mediators,
Sept. 21-24, 1998, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

P. Chaitidis,  M. Sutherland, H. Kühn, T. Schewe, S. Nigam (1999):
-15-lipoxygenasenationof  phospholipids may precede the sn-2 cleavage by group I, group IIa and 85 kD cytosolic phospholipases A2: Implications for signal transduction processes.-

International Conference on Phospholipase A2,
May 26-29, 1999, Berlin, Germany.
P. Shankaranarayanan ,  P. Chaitidis,  H. Kühn, S. Nigam (2001):
-Acetylation by histone acetyltransferase CREB-binding protein/p300 of STAT6 is required for transcriptional activation of the 15-lipoxygenase-1 gene.-
       J Biol Chem 2001 Nov 16;276(46):42753-60. 221kb