Proof Against Eternal Damnation

Here's an interesting commonsense proof against the concept of 'Eternal Damnation':

Assuming that I am merely a mortal human being, even I wouldn't want to see any soul suffer for an eternity, no matter what wrong they have committed. This even includes such notorious people like Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and even Hitler or Stalin.

Moreover, in fact I have compassion for these souls and would do whatever I could to help them for the simple reason that they're plagued by the most sordid mental illness: to be capable of committing such atrocities, can only indicate an extreme state of psychological abberation. For anyone capable of committing such crimes, they would have to ALREADY be deeply troubled and terrifically tortured souls, beyond the imagination of a sane and healthy-minded person!

Consider this: Is there even a single reference where Jesus didn't forgive but judged and condemned anyone? Even those who nailed Him to the cross-- who would receive OUR gravest vengeance--He forgave, and even by example cried out for all to hear, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do!"

You may still somehow disagree with this observation. However, before you might again reach your same conclusion, consider the following:

1. Can an act of rape or murder, under ANY circumstances, be considered a sane or mentally "sound and healthy" act?

2. If not, then the act itself must be defined as insane or at least mentally unsound and unhealthy.

3. And if the act is insane, how does a sane person commit an insane act? Is this even remotely logically possible?

4. Conclusion:
a. Therefore, at least at the time of the act, the person must have been insane. This is incontrovertible proof of, at least, temporary insanity.
b. Now, the leap to categorizing the person as criminally insane isn't so far, nor is it in the least illogical. Whereas, on the other hand, to regard such an individual to be acting as such in a sane state of mind, is illogical to the extreme.


It should be borne in mind that this observation doesn't imply that we have license to do whatever we please, and are not accountable for our acions. Quite the contrary, we should do the best we can [which, as what is implied above, is based on the accumulation of our experiences and thoughts/beliefs]. Also, we as a society have the right not to be subjected to criminally abberant behavior [based on various psychoses], and therefore have the right to segregate such 'miscreants' from the rest of our innocent, law-abiding citizens. However, what the observation above is suggesting, is that these people should not be judged, condemned and mistreated/abused [by the current system in place]; rather removed [from mainstream society] and treated wih love to enable them to heal. This was the message Jesus was conveying!
