If you haven't guessed it yet, This webpage is about Tropical Deforestation.
Hi, My name's Tricia Jamiol, and I'm making this page for my 7th period Intensive Biology Class.



Deforestation: The destruction of forest cover. Land is converted permanently from forest purposes to non-forest purposes.
Such as...
land-clearing for cattle ranching, smallholder agriculture, plantation agriculture, wood floors, or parking lots.

To show you how important rainforests are to humans I'm going to send a few facts your way...


• Most rainforests have a temperature average of 80º F year-round and get up to 400 inches of rain a year.

• There are about 3,000 plants in the world right now that can have cancer-fighting properties.
70% of those plans grow in the rainforest.

• A single acre of a tropical rainforest has 60-80 species of trees in it.

• If deforestation continues at it's present rate there will be no more rainforests in the world in 35 years.
(The graph below explains)



• Since 1950 the world's population has doubled to more than 5 billion people.

• The fastest population growth is in the tropics, 2.7 billion people live in the tropics alone.

• Tropical rainforests are the world's richest and most productive ecosystems,
containing half of all living species on the planet. Their value is incalculable.


• Most of the species in tropical rainforests can't be seen anywhere else on earth.



Is that enough facts for you?
Lets get on to the rest of the project!


| What Is The Source Of The Problem? |
What Are The Short And Long Term Solutions? |
What Biomes, Ecosystems, and Habitats are impacted? |
What Food Chains Or Food Webs Are Involved? |
How Does it Affect The Biogeochemical Cycles? |
What Are The Biotic (Living) Factors Involved? |
What Are The Abiotic (Not Living) Factors Involved? |

| Credits |

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Page Created on September 18, 1999
Tricia Jamiol
Period 7
Intensive Biology