Geology 101 Informational Page

This page was designed with the intent to give you something to study with for that Geology 101 Lab Midterm.  As you have probably figured out by now, all rocks and minerals are divided into groups.  Below you will see links to these groups.  When you click on a link, it will take you to a different page, which will first have an introduction stating information pertaining to that group.  After the introduction, you will see pictures and information for each rock in the group.

If you know what the name of the rock is you are looking for, but are unsure what category it fits in, please use my search engine below to find it.  Just type in the name of the rock, and select Geology 101 Informational Page.  If you want to look elsewhere for information, I have also included other options (you can search the entire World Wide Web, or you can search different areas within GeoCities.).
HotBot Search for

If you already have an idea of where to go, feel free to click on one of the links below to set you in the right direction!
Igneous Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks

All information on these pages was taken from the Geology 101 Laboratory Guide Fourth Edition - George Mustoe
All pictures on these pages were taken from Earth, An Introduction to Physical Geology, Fifth Edition - Edward J. Tarbuck and Frederick K. Lutgens
For individual credits for the pictures or information, please consult these books
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This page was last updated 10/15/98
Please do not remove anything from this page without permission from me.
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