"I know, the background doesn't do anything for this poem, but give me some time ... "

Watch The Time!

All clocks diligently ticking away, seconds fade
to minutes drag to hours, days turn months
to endless years in one continuous movement,
covered by smudgy, transparent windows,
boxed in like infinite prisoners of time, faced
with the pressure of a never-ending task.

Time a prisoner? Aren't we the slaves? They rule
our lives without error, without waver,
dictating us exactly when, precious moments
come and go, watched by stern faces and dragged
by commanding hands, their confining bands
controllingly secured around one of our wrists!

However some timekeepers are endlessly pinned
to walls, alarmed by cuckoo's and gongs
echoing through hallways of large homes.
Others are tied around a wrist or have Big
duties to perform, not for a moment allowed
to back out of that one perpetual motion.

If all time clocks would lock their hands and cover
their revealing faces to our endlessly
scrutinizing eyes and peering gazes. What
if those timepieces rebel, conspire and
decide to come to an alarming halt? After all,
renegade clocks don't give a ding-dang-dong!

Let's pull ourselves together, stock up on batteries
and cells, pay off our electricity bills, make sure their
hands and clockworks run smoothly, faces happy,
clean, and dustfree, precious time set to perfection,
so we can celebrate and face the next millennium
like old buddies, hand in hand with our timely friends.

© Anita Sjouwerman,
Last revised: October 28, 1998

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