The Element of Fire

FIRE (masculine)

Direction: South

Rules: energy, spirit, heat, flame, blood, sap, life, will, healing and destroying, purification, bonfires, hearth fires, candle flames, sun, deserts, volcanoes, eruptions, explosions, stars, passion, lust, rage, envy, justice, transformation, protection, exorcism and banishing, sex and sex magick, work, purification, divination, energy, masculine power, the God, strength

Time: Noon

Season: Summer

Colours: red, gold, crimson, orange, white

Signs of the Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Tools: sword, athame, wand, spear, candle

Sense: Sight

Jewel: Fire Opal (Garnet, Ruby)

Incense: Olibanum

Plants: garlic, hibiscus, mustard, nettle, onion, red peppers, red poppies, sunflower

Tree: Almond, in flower

Animals: fire breathing dragons, lions, horse, snake, crow, raven, serpents, salamanders and lizards

Elemental: Salamander

Goddesses: Brigit, Hestia, Pele, Veste and The Morrigan, the Warrioress or fourth face

Gods: Agni, Hephaestus, Horus, Vulcan and Lugh

*This orginally came from Starhawk's The Spiral Dance . I added more information according to my own research and experiences to make this more complete and extensive. Certain aspects such as whether wands belong to Fire or Air vary according to tradition. Wherever possible, I have included both varitaions to allow choice.