
Amaterasu - The Japanese Sun goddesses, from whom the Japanese 
royal Family claim descent.  She wove the garments of the gods.

Aphrodite - The Greek goddess of sexual love.  She was born of 
the bloody foam of the sea where Cronus threw the genitals of 
his father Uranus after castrating him.

Arianrhod - Major Welsh moon goddess.  Mother of Llew Llau 
Gyffes by her brother Gwyddion.  A goddess of death and 
reincarnation.  Her name means “silver wheel”.  Arianrhod is 
known as the Lady of the Silver Wheel.  She is the goddess of 
the Dark Moon.  Her symbols are the cauldron and the white sow.  
Keeper of the Silver Wheel of Stars, the symbol of time and 

Athena - Greek warrior goddess, yet also one of intelligence and 
the arts of peace.  Protector of heroes and the patroness of 
architects, sculptors and spinners and weavers.

Bast - 	Egyptian cat goddess of Bubastis.  She represents the 
power of the Sun.  A kindly goddess of joy, music and dancing.  
Her name means “great cat”.  Although she is a goddess of the 
sun, she is also identified with the moon.  She is the goddess 
of fire, childbirth, fertility, pleasure, benevolence, sex, 
music, protection, intuition, healing, marriage, and all 
animals.  The black cat is especially sacred to Bast.  She is 
known as the Lady of the East, Mother of all Cats.  Her dark 
side is known as Pasht, The Terror.  Pasht is a dark moon 
goddess and the goddess of retribution, revenge and terror.

Blodeuwedd - Welsh goddess made from flowers of oak, broom and 
meadowsweet by Math and Gwyddion as a wife for Llew.  She was 
unfaithful to him and was changed into an owl.  Blodeuwedd is 
often called the Ninefold Goddess of the Western Isles of 
Paradise.  Her name means “flower-face”.  Call on her for 
magicks dealing with lunar mysteries and mystical initiations.

Branwyn - Welsh goddess of love who was the daughter of Llyr and 
the sister of Bran the Blessed.

Callisto - Greek moon goddess to whom the she-bear was sacred.  
Connected with the Ursa Major constellation.

Cerridwen - Welsh mother, moon, and grain goddess.  Gave birth 
to Taliesin by Gwion.  Her name means “great cauldron”.  She is 
the great Crone goddess of Wales.  Her cauldron contains a brew 
which grants knowledge and wisdom to the one who drinks from 
it.  She is connected with the moon, the cauldron, and grain.

Demeter - Greek goddess of the fruitful Earth, especially of 

Hathor - An ancient Egyptian sky goddess of pleasure, music, 
joy, love and dancing.

Hecate - Greek moon goddess, Underworld goddess and a goddess of 
magic.  She is associated with crossroads.

Isis -	Egyptian goddess of everything.  Wife of Osiris.

Kali -	Hindu goddess who is a terrible but necessary destroyer, 
but also a powerful creative force.

Kamikaze - Japanese goddess of Air.

Lilith - Hebrew star goddess who was Adam’s first wife.  She 
would not subordinate herself to him and was turned into a 

Ma’at -	Egyptian goddess of justice, truth, law and the divine 
order, the natural and inevitable order of the Universe.

Morgan - Celtic goddess of the sea and sovereignty.

Morrigan - Irish war goddess of three faces.  She is known as 
the Great Queen, the Supreme War Goddess, The Specter Queen, and 
the Queen of Phantoms.  She is a moon goddess as well as a 
mother goddess, a shape-shifter associated with crows and 
ravens.  She is the patroness of priestesses and witches.  She 
rules rivers, lakes, water, revenge, night, truth, magic and 

Nemesis - Greek goddess of divine anger.