Jericho Marches Revelation Series - Morris Cerullo OBSTACLE #1 FEARGOD HAS DIRECTED ME TO LEAD YOU IN SEVEN MARCHES TO DESTROY SEVEN MAJOR WALLS ... OBSTACLES IN YOUR LIFE!What are the impossibilities ... the hindrances ... the obstacles ... holding you back from taking hold of the promises God has given you? What are the obstacles hindering you from receiving the answers, the things you desperately need, and the total victory God has provided for you? I have shared the prophetic word God gave me for you. God said, "NOW IS YOUR TIME!"
These obstacles are barriers ... WALLS ... standing in your way, blocking you from taking possession of the fulfillment of God's promises to you. Think about the hindrances ... obstacles ... you are facing. You have tried everhthing possible to break through these obstacles, but have been unable to do it. The victory God has planned for you to experience is not dependent upon your own limited natural strength of abilities. God has given us a strategy. Like the child of Israel, who marched around the Jericho walls seven times, God has directed to to lead you in SEVEN MARCHES ... around SEVEN MAJOR WALLS in your life. One by one, we are going to identify the SEVEN MAJOR OBSTACLES ... the WALLS ... which block you from taking hold and receiving the fulfillment of His promises, and walking in the total victory God has planned for you. Then, using the strategies God has given us, we are going to see these walls come down in Jesus' Name! The seven major obstacles God has shown me that are holding you back form taking the victories you need are like the massive walls of Jeericho separating the Israelites from taking possession of the promised land. THE JERICHO WALLS SEPARATED THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL FROM THE FULFILLMENT OF GOD'S PROMISESAs the children of Israel entered the promised land they faced a formidable barrier which stood between them and the fulfillment of God's promises. God had promised to give them the land, to go before them, to fight for them, to drive out their enemies, to bless and prosper all the work of their hands. Behind them was the River Jordan ... the forty years of wandering in the wilderness. Before them was Jericho, which was the first major stronghold they had to conquer BEFORE taking possession of the land. Jericho was a strong, fortified city with massive walls surrounding it. It was strategic in taking possession of the land. The outcome of this one battle at Jericho would determine the outcome of the battles they faced in taking the remaining cities. There were two walls; the other wall was 6 feet thick and the inner wall 12 feet thick. Both of them were 30 feet high. These two gigantic walls were 15 feet apart and were connected together with houses built across them. The total combined distance across the two walls was 33 feet! These walls formed a formidable, impenetrable barrier. In the natural, they were impossible to penetrate. Joshua and the children of Israel did not have the weapons nor military might to tear them down and there was absolutely no possible way for them to break through the walls. God gave them the strategy, and as they followed Him in faith and obedience the walls had to come down! It wasn't man's power or abilities that brought the walls down! God never intended to use natural ability to fulfill His prophetic promises. THey wer not leaning to the arm of the flesh nor depending upon their own wisdom or strength, but the key to their great victory was they were totally dependent upon God and His power to deliver them. They ACTED upon the strategy God had given them, in complete trust and confidence He would do as He had promised.
Be set free from fear, in Jesus' Name! MY SPIRITUAL ARSENAL AGAINST FEAR!Romans 8.15: For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship] in [the bliss of] which we cry, "Abba (Father)! Father!" 2Timothy 1.7: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, or craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. Mazmur 27.1: TUHAN adalah terangku dan keselamatanku, kepada siapakah aku harus takut? TUHAN adalah benteng hidupku, terhadap siapakah aku harus gemetar? Mazmur 27.3: Sekalipun tentaara berkemah mengepung aku, tidak takut hatiku; sekalipun timbul peperangan melawan aku, dalam hal itupun aku tetap percaya. Mazmur 118.6: TUHAN di pihakku. Aku tidak akan takut. Apakah yang dapat dilakukan manusia terhadap aku? Yesaya 12.2: Sungguh, Allah itu keselamatanku; aku percaya dengan tidak gementar, sebab TUHAN ALLAH itu kekuatanku dan mazmurku, Ia telah menjadi keselamatanku." Yesaya 41.10: janganlah takut, sebab Aku menyertai engkau, janganlah bimbang, sebab Aku ini Allahmu; Aku akan meneguhkan, bahkan akan menolong engkau; Aku akan memagang engkau dengan tangan kananKu yang membawa kemenangan. Yesaya 43.1-2: Tetapi sekarang, beginilah firman TUHAN yang menciptakan engkau, hai Yakub, yang membentuk engkau, hai Israel: "Janganlah takut, sebab Aku telah menebus engkau, Aku telah memanggil engkau dengan namamu, engkau ini kepunyaanKu. Apabila engkau menyeberang melalui air, Aku akan menyertai engkau, atau melalui sungai-sungai, engkau tidak akan dihanyutkan; apabila engkau berjalan melalui api, engkau tidak akan dihanguskan, dan nyala api tidak akan membakar engkau. Lukas 12.7: bahkan rambut kepalamupun terhitung semuanya. Karena itu jangan takut, karena kamu lebih berharga dari pada banyak burung pipit. Lukas 12.32: Jangan takut, hai kamu kawanan kecil! Karena Bapamu telah berkenan memberikan kamu Kerajaan itu. 1Yohanes 4.18: Di dalam kasih tidak ada ketakutan: kasih yang sempurna melenyapkan ketakutan; sebab ketakutan mengamdung hukuman dan barangsiapa takut, ia tidak sempurna di dalam kasih. Ibrani 13.6: Sebab itu dengan yakin kita dapat berkata: "Tuhan adalah Penolongku. Aku tidak akan takut. Apakah yang dapat dilakukan manusia terhadap aku?" Mazmur 56.4-5: Waktu aku takut, aku ini percaya kepadaMu; kepada Allah, yang firmanNya kupuji, kepada Allah aku percaya, aku tidak takut. Apakah yang dapat dilakukan manusia terhadap aku? MORRIS