Brooke Erin Yool
      37170 Birch St.
      Newark, CA 94560


      	Sept 1995-1998
      		PhD program, 
      		University of California,
      		San Francisco, Department of 
      		Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
                      Currently on leave;
                      Master's degree pending
      		Coursework: bioorganic chemistry,
      		enzymology, kinetics, physical
      		chemistry, molecular biology,
      		C programming
      	Sept 1992-June 1995
      		B.S. Biological Science, minor in
      		Environmental Analysis, 
      		of California, Irvine.
      		Coursework:  genetics, molecular 
      		biology, biochemistry and lab,
      		physiology and lab, psychobiology
      		and lab, organic/general chemistry,
      		physics, calculus, advanced 
      		evolutionary biology
      	Sept 1990-June 1992
      		A.A. Social Science, Ohlone College,
      		Fremont, CA


      	Sept 1996-June 1997
      		Teaching Assistant, University
      		of California, San Francisco,
      		Department of Pharmaceutical
      		Duties included attending organic
      		chemistry lectures, teaching two
      		hours of discussion per week in 
      		the fall and winter quarters,
      		teaching four hours of lab per 
      		week in the spring quarter,
      		holding weekly office hours,
      		and grading exams.
      	Sept 1994-June 1995
      		Tutor, Department of Chemistry, 
      		University of California, Irvine
      		Duties included leading two hours
      		of review weekly, attending all 
      		organic chemistry lectures, and
      		grading and proctoring exams.
      	Jan 1995-March 1995
      		Tutor, Physics, Tutorial Assistance
      		Program, University of California,
      		Duties included attending lectures
      		and leading 6 problem-solving
      		tutorial sessions per week
      	Sept 1993-Jan 1995
      		Tutor, Department of Biological Sciences,
      		University of California, Irvine
      		Responsibilities included attending lectures 
      		and leading weekly discussions in fields which 
      		rotated as per quarter:  genetics (fall 1993),
      		physiology (winter 1994), biochemistry (spring
      		1994), and physiology (fall 1994).


      *Designed, created, and maintain web site 
       for the San Francisco chapters of the Team 
       in Training program, a fundraiser for 
       the Leukemia Society of America 
      *Designed, created, and currently maintain 
       web site for Women in Life Sciences, a 
       University of California, San Francisco, 
       organization (
      *1998: Administrated and maintain the Women 
       in Life Sciences listserv
      *Experience with all major Microsoft 
       programs, as well as Adobe Photoshop, 
       Cricket Graph, FileMaker Pro, FrontPage
      *Experience with Macintosh and PC platforms, 
       as well as Macintosh, Windows 95, and
       Unix operating systems
      *Skilled in several molecular graphics and 
       sequence analysis programs (Rasmol, GCG, 
       Insight, Midas)
      *Designed and maintained my own personal web site
      *Designed and developed an experimental web site for 
       Pharmaceutical Chemistry 112 course information
       while serving as teaching assistant (January 1997)


      *2/97 - present:  The Leukemia Society of America --
       Team in Training
              Currently maintaining an experimental web site 
              for both San Francisco training regions
      	Previously (fall 1998) a team captain for
              a group of 180 runners training for December
              1998 marathons.  Duties included organizing group
      	runs throughout the Bay Area, acting as a
      	direct liaison between participants and
      	their mentors and the LSA office, working
      	directly with TNT staff and coaches to 
      	implement and further fine-tune the program,
      	and soliciting feedback from current team
      	participants.  Prior to that (spring 1998,
      	fall 1997) a mentor for TNT, overseeing a
      	small group of participants.
      *11/94 - 3/95	Orange County Swim for Kids
      	Along with three fellow college students,
      	created and implemented our own charity event
      	benefiting the Orangewood Children's
      	Foundation for disadvantaged children.  My
      	involvement has been peripheral with 
      	subsequent annual events.


      	October 1997
      	Long Teaching Award, University of California, San
      	Francisco.  Awarded for service during my year as
      	a teaching assistant (Sept 1996-June 1997).
      	October 1997
      	Fellowship, Beckman Symposium on Macromolecular 
      	This award included flight, room, and board to 
      	attend the first symposium of its kind in Galveston,
      	TX.  The award was paid by the NSF.
      	July 1997
      	Completed my first marathon (26.2 miles) in San 
      	May 1995
      	Honors for Excellence in Research in Biological
      	Sciences, UC Irvine.


      Distance running, guitar/piano, music, education, web design.

      Last updated February 17, 1999
      Brooke's Home Page