Electronic Telugu & English Quarterly Magazine

  April/June & July/September 2003 (Vol.5 & Nos.2 & 3)

Contents of the Current Issue

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Managing Editor: B.Bhaskara Rao (Sydney)
Honorary Editor: Dr Durvasula Murthy (Sydney)
Associate Editor: D. Chandrasekhara Rao (Amadalavalasa).

Honorary Editorial Advisory Board: 
 Nidadavolu Malathi (USA), Vasundhara (Bhubaneswar),
Dr Avula Manjulatha (Hyderabad) and Vasireddy Naveen (Hyderabad).

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DISCLAIMER: The original authors are solely responsible for the content and the views expressed in their contributions. The Editors and Publishers are not responsible for the content and views expressed in the stories, essays and poems etc. Copyright: The authors reserve their copyrights.


 Professor Vemuri Venkateswara Rao

This issue is sponsored by Prof. Vemuri Venkateswara Rao. Prof. Rao is a well-known Telugu writer and a professor in computer sciences at the University of California, Davis (USA).  One of his monumental works, ENGLISH-TELUGU AND TELUGU-ENGLISH Dictionary and Thesaurus, is recently published by Asia Educational Services, New Delhi (asianeds@vsnl.net.in). He is also the founder of Eco Foundation. We are grateful to Prof. Rao for sponsoring this issue of Patrika.

A Final Word from

Bhaskar Rao (Sydney) 


In recent months we have been facing several problems in putting together Patrika. First, there are difficulties in getting the typesetting work done on time in India, no matter what we pay per page. Second, although we have introduced cash awards for original stories, we are getting very few original stories. More importantly due to some extra commitments and persistent health problems I have now decided to suspend the publication of Patrika for the time being. I take this opportunity to thank the readers and sponsors for their support. Special thanks are due to:

·    for the voluntary labour and time so generously given by Smt. Nidadavolu Malathi, Dr Jonnalagadda Rajagopala Rao and Jonnalagadda Ramalakshmi (Vasundhara)

·        for timely completion of typesetting work, so far, by D Chandrasekhar Rao (Satyam Grapics, Amadalavalasa) who has now a full-time job elsewhere and Dr Durvasula for typesetting a few stories

·     very generous and quick permission to reprint articles from Rachana by Sai  and the Katha series by  Vasireddy Naveen;  to Kalipatnam Rama Rao and NagnaMuni for  generous and blank permission to reprint their stories.

Please visit this site as and when possible. If it is possible to resume the publication of Patrika, sometime in the future, that will be announced in Thulika, Sulekha and Telugupeople.com. And that is only possible when I visit India towards the end of 2003. I am hopeful that the next issue of Patrika would be published in March 2004.


In this issue there is one KathaPuraskaram award winning story: Akshara’s, donated  by Prof. Vemuri Venkateswara Rao. Congratulations to Akhara.

Contents of the Current Issue
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