News/Current Events Miscellaneous Keywords: DEMON, SATAN, EERIE PHOTO
Published: 2/22/2000 Author: incindiary and AnnaZ
Posted on 02/22/2000 17:32:40 PST by incindiary
The two Democratic presidential candidates, Al Gore and Bill Bradley, debated yesterday at the Apollo Theater in New York. It aired on CNN, and Bernie Shaw was the moderator. Here is a photo from the debate. If you look between the candidates, on the back screen, you can see an image of a goat's head, or a demon. This image is not just visible on this still photo... it was visible on the live video of the debate!
So now I ask, is the demonic image:a) intentionally subliminal
b) just a coincidence
c) a divine prank?
If you think that this photo was doctored, read the comments by those who were watching the debate live, and saw the eerie image. Here is a post from yesterday's thread by someone who first noticed it. Click here.Here is the first thread on this. As you can see, they had a very difficult time posting the photo - read it and see for yourself!
One more thing... I know its hard to believe, but this photo is not a fake. The image was really there, and many people saw it on the live video.
If you have any comments about this, email me!