This letter appeared in the Roanoke Times
Two events, sixty years apart but eerily similiar, prey persistantly on my mind. In January 1933, in my native country, Adolph Hitler was appointed chancellor. The appointment was then confirmed by a 44% plurality for the National Socialists. In 1992,in my adopted country, Bill Clinton was elected by a 43% plurality. Significantly, both won weak mandates from minorities of the electorate, but by a cunning manipulation asserted far broader support.Many thoughtful Germans, recognizing Hitler's true character, foresaw chaos and destruction. They were harassed, pursued, had "accidents" or disappeared.
Hitler's party expanded national health care, thus enlarging each citizen's records; federalized public schools; set curricula and programs for young and old alike. Religion was actively discouraged. Obedience was demanded of each citizen. Thirteen years of National Socialism institutionalized fear by constant verbal terrorism, lies and fiendish distortion of truth. Government held the citizenry hostage through dread.
A cowardly judiciary silently acquiesced. Government controlled an intimidated press. In 1945, the awful consequences of terror, silence and fear stood naked before the world. The cost in human lives and dignity was inexcusable. I saw, I lived there. We are not immune. The tragedy can repeat itself here!
America today is confronted by the depreciated values of socialism advanced for thirty-five years. Its self-discipline undermined, a disoriented society lost faith in itself and now denies the value of character. Clinton continues to disdain character. America has been seduced by dependancy on governmental solutions lacking integrity, thus avoiding personal responsibility. Expediency rules. The sickening spectacle of partial-birth abortions is an abomination. Government corruption is rampant. Our society is sick with tragedy. It's imperative that increasing regulation by an overpowering government be halted and reversed.
Elinor Wright