Alcohol Limits
Note: This information is correct as at March 1 995.
When can a young person have a drink as part of a meal in an hotel or restaurant?
When they are over 18. At this age they don't have to be with a spouse, parent or adult family member. A packet of crisps or a pie is not counted as a meal.
(s 1 62 (3) (b) (i) Sale of Liquor Act 1 989)
When can a young person drink with their family on licensed premises?
If the young person is over 1 8 and with a parent, guardian, or adult spouse they can buy and drink liquor in a pub or licensed restaurant.
(s 1 62 (3) (b) (i) Sale of Liquor Act 1 989)
When can a young person buy liquor or drink in an hotel without buying a meal?
Twenty years is the legal drinking age. At this time young people can go into a pub and buy or drink alcohol without restriction.
(s 1 55 Sale of Liquor Act 1989)
When can young people have alcohol at their own party?
Many young I people want to have alcohol at parties or dances they hold. This is legal if they are on private premises and they bring their own alcohol or it is supplied to them free. if liquor is supplied after payment of an admission fee then it is regarded by the law as being the same as asking people to pay for alcohol and it is illegal. If a person wants to supply or sell liquor at an event they need to apply to the District Licensing Agency for a Special Licence. A person must be over 20 to get a licence.
(s 7 5 (a) Sale of Liquor Act 1 989)
Is it against the law for young people to have cans or bottles at an outdoor concert or in a street or outside party?
It is if they are under 20 and not with a parent, guardian, adult caregiver or spouse.
(s 38(3) Summary Offences Act 1 98 7)
When can young people work in an hotel, bar or other licensed premises?
A young person under 20 cannot sell or serve liquor. However they can work in a licensed premises, other than in a restricted area, if their job involves preparing meals, cleaning, restocking, checking, stocktaking or removing cash.
(s 1 61 Sale of Liquor Act 1 989)
Can I go into a licensed restaurant with my family for a meal?
Yes, a person under 18 (of any age) can drink alcohol with a meal when accompanied by an adult spouse, parent or guardian, if they are in a Supervised or Undesignated area. They cannot do so in a Restricted area.
(s 1 63 Sale of Liquor Act 1 989)
Can a person under 18 go into a night club that serves alcohol?
Yes, they can, but they cannot be served alcohol if they are under 18.
(s 1 63 Sale of Liquor Act 1 989)
Note: It is illegal to serve an intoxicated person under the Sale of Liquor Act.
For more information, please feel free to email Senior Constable Ian Browne