Facts about Polypill use

Facts about Polypill use

-Polypill use means taking combinations of pills or combinations of intoxicating substances.

Young people may use polypitis to get the following effects:

-feeling drowsy;

-being apathetic;

-feeling excited;

-being intoxicated similar to being drunk;

-becoming less inhibited;

-being relaxed;

-having hallucinations after excessive doses.


Young people who take combinations of pills may show the following behavioural effects:

-losing motivation;

-magical interest or belief,.

-playing truant;

-rapid mood swings from grumpy to snappy;

-being talkative or extremely withdrawn (while intoxicated);

-a feeling of being "got at" (persecuted).


Young people who take a combination of pills may show the following physical effects:

-clumsiness (while intoxicated);

-hyperactive (while intoxicated);

-slowed movements (while intoxicated);

-variation in the size of the pupils of the eyes (during and after intoxication);

-poor short-term memory (frequent use);

-dry tongue and dry foam around the lips;



-pain up under the right ribs (frequent use);

-spider naevi ~ see Alcohol Facts (frequent use);

-heavy and profuse sweating especially of the hands;

-nausea and vomiting,,

-stomach complaints;

-skin sensitivity to sun and skin rashes;

-constipation or diarrhoea (frequent use).


General facts about Polypills

Some young people may choose to take a particular combination of pills - for example stimulants (uppers) and depressants (downers) taken together. Others may take whatever pills are offered to them, regardless of the combination. Of young people in the 1 5-17 year-old age group only a small number (2.2% of males and 1.7% of females) reported taking combinations of pills (Health Department statistics).

There are definite dangers in polypill use. The impact of drugs in combinations is far greater than when only one sort of pill is taken. An overdose of brain.depressant drugs, which slow the brain down, can lead to death.

Polypill users are at the greatest risk of psychological damage and can exhibit mood swings, behavioural problems and suicidal ideas. Physical damage to the liver and brain may also occur, such as short-term memory loss.

Most of the pills consumed are sold on prescription only and pass onto the streets where they are readily available at moderate prices. All of the drugs listed above are psychologically addictive, and the majority are physically addictive.


For more information, please feel free to email Senior Constable Ian Browne

Email me at km_dare@hotmail.com