Welcome to
Graewolfe's E-Den

What Have They Done?

An editorial-type page about animal abuse. There are several links here to other great animal abuse prevention sites.


Basically, my views on religion. I must seem pretty opinionated but I'm simply exercising my right (finally!) to speak freely.

The Written Word

This is where I keep my writings--right now, just poetry.

Mother Earth

Once again, a bunch of my opinions. Only this time they're accompanied by a bunch of environmental links!

Greenmonk's Virtual Animal Shelter

I *am* (well, *was*) Greenmonk, I just moved the shelter.

The Spirit Page

Heard of the Site Fights? Visit my Spirit Page to find out more! Click here to vote for this site!

Sign My Guestbook

Please, please, PLEASE sign my guestbook! I love knowing who's been here.

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This little girl is in need of a bone marrow transplant. To find out how you can help, click on the picture or you can spread the word by placing this link on your web site.

CAWS Corp Homepage

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