Links I Love

And You Will Too


 Church stuff





Church Stuff

 Cornerstone Church of Rockingham County - my church!

 World Magazine - a really well-done Christian newsmagazine

 Voice of the Martyrs - remember the persecuted church

 World Wide Study Bible - a useful tool for bible study

 The Door - a satiric magazine on all things Christian


 LingNet Resources - covers a lot of languages

 VADA Language - lots of language info

 Yahoo! Languages - even more great links


 Keyes for President 2000 - looking for a good presidential candidate?

 Allpolitics - CNN's political news

 Libertarian Party - America's third largest political party

 P.J. O'Rourke Reader - views on and from one of my favorite writers 

Albania - THE site for info and links on Albania

Landon's page - Site of Landon Yoder

 Frosina Information Network - intended for Albanian immigrants, it offers lots of good info

 Albanian Bible

 Common Questions about Christianity - in Albanian

 International Protestant Assembly - a church in Tirane, Albania

 Albanian Country Study - by Library of Congress