I know we've got some runners here, so i wanted to talk a little about running. Some of you guys are pretty fast. I am not a very fast runner, and there are several reasons for this. One is that i do not train to run. I know some of y'all are out there every day, running for at least an hour, and i admire your follow-through. I will continue to admire your follow-through, through the windows of my apartment, because quite frankly i have no desire to practice running that much. I'd rather be reading or watching Veggie Tales or something, pretty much anything other than running. Another reason i am a not a very fast runner, or for that matter a very good jogger, is that, and i know some of you will be surprised to hear me say this, i carry a little more weight than most of you. Shocking, but true. It is not an asset, when you are a runner, to be carrying anything other than some long thin legs and a torso to keep them together. I have yet to see a cross country team that runs a race carrying dumbbells, or microwaves, or pieces of furniture, because those things would hurt their ability to run, and if the weights were heavy enough would even prevent them from running at all.
For the next few weeks, the question we're going to ask each week is "What good is God anyway?" Some of you could give an answer to that question quickly. Others have to think really hard. And some of you have no idea. But each week we're going to give one of the many answers to that question by asking another question. This week, the specific question is, "Can i be free from guilt?"
The answer, by the way, is "yes". But guilt is still a huge problem for many people, even Christian people. The Psalm-writer David said it this way: "My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear." (Psalm 38:4) Another way to look at it is to say that as we are running the race which is our Christian walk, guilt can weigh us down and keep us from going at the speed we need to. So what can we do about it?
The first thing we can do is understand the source of our guilt. I have come to understand that there are three sources of guilt, and understanding each of them and knowing how to react to them is really key to getting rid of guilt in our lives.
Do you ever feel bad because you haven't lived up to your own expectations for performance? Or maybe the fact that you've disappointed someone close to you makes you feel guilty. This kind of guilt could be classified as guilt from within yourself. Another word for guilt from self would be "motivation". When we feel badly because we have behaved in a way we feel is wrong, we want to change. For example, if i feel bad because i hurt Rachel's feelings by not helping her pay for her hashbrowns at the Waffle House when she had no money, that gives me motivation to do something nice for her in the future to try to make up for it. Often, guilt from self is because we know we should act differently towards other people than the way we do act. The proper way to respond to guilt from self is to do the thing we feel we should do, as long as it is biblical and righteous. I John 3:18-20 says, "Dear Children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." Let's lose the weight of guilt from ourselves.
Or maybe sometimes you feel worthless because of something you did. Often this happens at times when you are on the threshold of ministering to somebody, and you hear a little voice in your head that says, "Hey, you're not good enough to help this person. Your own life is a mess." Sometimes the voice says, "You're a hypocrite." This second source of guilt is from Satan. In Hebrew, the original language of the Old Testament, Satan means "accuser". His job is to accuse us of wrong and weigh us down so we're not as effective as we could be. For example, many Christians feel guilt over things they have done in their past, but have already asked forgiveness for. This guilt comes from the accuser. Another way of describing guilt that comes from Satan is "condemnation". He tells us that there is no way we can be used the way God wants to use us, or if he knows we won't fall for that he will simply remind us of past sins at times when our focus should be on God. But we are not condemned or looked down upon by God when we have received His forgiveness for sins. Romans 8:1 says, "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." That is the good news! The best response to Satan's accusations is to rebuke him by stating God's word that you are not under any condemnation. Another fun thing to do is to remind Satan that while you are holy in God's sight, he is the one destined to eternal separation from God. Let's lose the weight from condemnation.
Or maybe you feel guilty because some sin or attitude is still in your life that you know shouldn't be. I knew one strong Christian who for years lived with guilt because she often fell into the trap of drug use when she was with her friends. But she wanted to hang on to that sin because she enjoyed it. She never really broke herself apart from that thing, even though she knew it was wrong, and so whenever a time for personal ministry would come she would feel bad about it, but never really gave it to God. This third source of guilt feelings comes from God, via the Holy Spirit. A better word for this than "guilt" is "conviction". One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to show us the things that are separating us from a right relationship with God. John 16: 7,8 quotes Jesus as saying, "But I tell you the truth, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment." I'm sure we could think up examples of conviction all day, but basically it is distinguishable because it is an attempt to make you aware of things you either need to start doing or stop doing to be closer to God. Let's lose the weight of sin in our lives.
One of the names given to God is "Jehovah Tsidkenu", which means "God is our Righteousness". He wants to make you holy and be closer to you. He loves you so much that he chose to die rather than live without you. If you are struggling with an unforgiven sin from the past, ask for forgiveness and receive that forgiveness. If you are struggling with a sin that is still a problem for you, ask for forgiveness, but also do what James says in the Bible, "...Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (5:16) This is one of the hardest things to do, because none of us want to admit we struggle with sin. But i can testify that being accountable to other Christians, some of whom may be going through the same temptations, will help you to be stronger. Maybe you feel most comfortable confessing to others in your platoon, or maybe you prefer to speak to a single trusted person who will help keep you accountable and pray with you. However you choose to deal with the things you feel convicted about, do something about them as soon as possible. Lose the weight.
Or maybe some of you have never received forgiveness from your sins. Maybe you've never invited God to save you from your own self and your guilt, and to become your boss. If you need to lose the weight of sin in your life, do it. God wants you to be free.
Look at me and say, "Lose the weight." Look at somebody next to you and say, "Lose the weight." Let's get rid of whatever guilt is weighing us down. Like runners, we want to run with as little weight holding us down as possible. If you feel like you're running with a duffel bag full of guilt, or maybe you're even pulling a car's weight, you can be free. Bring your heart to God and lay your guilt at his feet. As the worship team comes, look at your own heart. Do you struggle with guilt? If so, lose the weight.