To Kill A Mocking Al:

A strange parody by Bike Swine & Oxymoron


Dear friends, welcome to my world of insanity. The following stories are a small bit of mass hysteria created by a friend and I a few years ago. Please heed the warnings given before each story. D.S. Inc. claims no responsibility as to what happens when you read these things.

Confused yet? I don't blame you. Here's some explanation for those of you who may care and want to waste the time reading it. The Mocking Al series was created when a poor language teacher required my class to write a story using vocabulary words. The Oxymoron and I got a little creative. He actually wrote the first one and I jumped in upon the second story. The stupidity of it all launched a writing campaign that actually spans four authors (two of which I don't have permission from yet to publish) and covers over 80,000 words. Incidentally, for those of you who can't figure it out, all the links are placed in chronological order. Enjoy.

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