Transcription of the Phoenician text
Lrbt l'shtr ?sr qdsh
'z 'sh p?l w'sh ytn
tbry' wlnsh mlk 'l
kyshry' byrh zbh
shmsh bntn' bbt wbn
tw k?shtrt 'rsh bdy
lmlky shnt shlsh III by
rh krr bym qbr
'lm wshnt lmpsh 'lm
bbty shnt km hkkbm
Translation of the Phoenician text according to Sabatino Moscati
To [our] Lady Ishtar. This is the holy place // which was made and donated // by TBRY WLNSH [= Thefaries
Velianas] who reigns on // Caere [or: on the Caerites], during the month of the sacrifice // to the Sun, as a gift
in the temple. He b//uilt an aedicula [?] because Ishtar gave in his hand [or: raised him with her hand] // to
reign for three years in the m//onth of KRR [=Kerer], in the day of the burying // of the divinity. And the years
of the statue of the divinity // in his temple [might be ? are ?] as many years as these stars.
Translation of the etruscan text
First tablet
ita tmia icac heramasva
this temple this-and group of statues (this temple and this group of statues)
were built
unialastres themiasa
for Uni Astarte. After having built (it)
mech thuta thefariei velianas
the people (and) the state of Thefariei Velanias
sal cluvenias turuce
the first of the month of Cluvenias has given.
munistas thuvas
after having endowed and erected it
tameresca ilacve
the tameru (kind of priest)-has dedicaced it
tulerase nac ci avil
to the land. After three years
churvar tesiameitale
during the month of Churvar, the day of the burial of the godess
ilacve alsase
has dedicaced it to the heaven (?)
nac atranes zilacal
then the Atran(kind of priest) of the zilac
seleitala acnas vers
who is in charge of the sacred fire
itanim heramve
and this group of statues
avil enacia pulumchva
shall last the years of the stars
This temple and this group of status was dedicaced to Uni - Astarte. After having buidt it, the rural people and the city of Thefarie Velanias has given it.
And after having endowed and erected it the Tameru has dedicaced itto the land . After three years, the day of the burial of the goddess, the Atran of the Zilac who is in charge of the sacred fire dedicated it to the heaven(?)
this statue shall last the years of the stars.
Second tablet
nac thefarie veliiunas
then thefarie veliiunas
has buildt
cleva etanal
a votive offering at the ides
masan tiur
during the month of masan
Unias selace
he has done for Uni
vacal tmial
the votive offering of a temple
avilchval amuce
yearly is
the stars
sacred offering
Then, Thefarie Velianas has built an offering in the ides of Masan (and) has done the yearly votive gift of a temple to Uni. The stars (star-like decorations in the temple) are sacred offerings.