Rhaetian Inscriptions

Rhaetian was a language spoken on present days Switzerland. It is thought to have been close to Etruscan. Here a few examples of it :

LRR 1 pevasnichesiupikutiutisachvilipiperisnati

tentative word separation : pevasnichesi upiku tiuti sachvili piperis nati

tentative translation : Tiuti (Titus ?) Sachvili, son of Piperi offered to Pevasnich

LRR, 2 panium lasanuale upiku perunies schaispala

Tentative translation : Perun son of Schaispa offered the panium (?) to Lasanu

LRR ,152 upiku pheluriesi phelvinuale

Tentative translation : one offered to Phelurie Phelvinua

LRR, 239 champelsurieskalaheprussiahil / klanturus

tentative word separation : champel suries kalahe prussiahil / klan turus

Tentative translation : To champel and surie, the sons of Kalahe Prussia