
This piece of very cheap poetry is the first text I have ever written in Crimean Gothic. It ia part of a kind of country song., not very different in inspiration from modern Celtic - that is Breton music (well, Breton music is far better than that, but I am no singer). As it is the rule, it is caracterized by a rather archaic (to make "fine" writting) or dialectal (to fit the audience) features :
- the use of the dative post-poned articlee
-ire instead of more modern -ere
- the use of the dialectal demonstrative <
enet instead of Frebørisk -þar
- the use of archaic indefinte article -
et instead of enet

Suna an hedire.ach enet kald in herten þinem
In schwarten øchem þinem trømen af enem andrem livene
en friesang þe schwaldeþ an lipem þinem
tu piden et schip þe komeþ ne.

Bi wem mach ene qen trømen
þen niwez haf se tu wenen
is ne schal itkomen

The sun on the moor and this cold in thy heart
In thy black eyes, the dream of another life
a love-song that dies on your lips
to wait for a ship that will not come

what can a woman dream of
when she has nothing to hope
he won't come back