
The MacKay Home Page

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MacKay (McKay) and allied family genealogy in the Pictou County, Nova Scotia area. Have located links to the following families; Black, Calder, Fraser, Cameron,Campbell, Grant, Halldorson, Holley, MacGillivray, McGregor (including Rev. James McGregor), McKenzie, Mosher, Robertson, Ross, Taylor, Woodruff, and many more.

My MacKay (McKay) line left Beauly, Scotland for Nova Scotia in 1773 and 1784 aboard the Ships "Hector" and "John." The first group was made up of Donald McKay and his younger brother Roderick (with wife and children). The second group brought the eldest brother, Alexander with his wife and children, the youngest brother Hugh, and their sister Margaret. Margaret was accompanied by her husband John Robertson and their children. I'm hoping to find some of the thousands of people who came from this small group. Please see page two for more specific information.

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dark_bullet The Nova Scotia Genealogical Project

dark_bullet The Chignecto Genealogy Web of Nova Scotia

dark_bullet Nova Scotia / Ship Hector Information

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